The big question is.... "When will the snow MELT?" That's what I want to know.
When will it be ALL GONE?
Would you like to guess? I am having a contest. The cat, woofie or bun who guesses the date when there is NO MORE SNOW when Mom looks out this window will get a prize. The prize will be treats, and bragging rights! (Occasionally evil little chocolates have been known to appear in prize packages, but Mom is making no promises.)
Every morning Mom will get up and take a picture of this same view and post it on my blog. On the day she wakes up and
THE DAY. If you guess the
EXACT day, you will get a prize. If NOBODY guesses the EXACT DAY, the cat who guessed the day CLOSEST TO the day, but not AFTER the day, will get the prize.
Here are the rules:
1. Each cat, woofie or bun gets ONE GUESS EACH.
2. Guesses must be in the comments of THIS POST.
3. Deadline is Midnight Friday February 18, 2011. (So when it isn't Friday anywhere in the world, the voting will be over.)
4. You have to have a blog, or leave some way for us to get in touch with you, so we have to know who you are. If you have a blog, you're good to go.
5. You can enter no matter where you live. Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada... all are welcome to enter.
6. It's my blog, so if I wanna change the rules, I can.
Now for some useful information.
1. The houses across the street face East. So the snow in their front yards will melt first. Duh.
2. Sun melts the snow.
3. Rain melts it faster.
4. The average high temperature for March in New Hampster is 44F
5. The average low temperature for March in New Hampster is 18F
6. Winter isn't over, either. We have had big snowstorms at the end of February, and in March. It snows in April, too. So, guess accordingly.
7. *****The contest ends when there is NO SNOW on the ground in the picture. If it snows the next day, oh well, that's New England weather for you!*****
8. In 2008, the winning date was April 12. In 2009, the winning date was April 3rd. In 2010 the snow was gone by the middle of March.
9. We have A LOT more snow on the ground now than we did in 2008, 2009 or 2010, so this year the contest is starting in February.
10. When the contest is closed, Mom will post a big list of all the entries and dates in my sidebar, so everybody will know who guessed what date. It is your responsibility to check that your name is there, and that your guess is correct. It's usually a big list, and adding the names gets complicated, so if your name is missing, let me know right away. No names will be added to the list after February 25.
So put on your thinking caps, leave a guesstimate, and check back every day to see if you are the winner!
Good luck!