Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday, Monday

Mom says this is a great way to start the work week. I do not know what she means. Every Monday is a start to the work week. There is a little bit of snow on the ground though, and that must be what she is grumbling about. Have I told you lately how glad I am to be a cat?

Yesterday Mom and Rhette went to see The King's Speech, which she said was awesome. Then she and Rhette and Mim-may went out for sushi. That's good for them. I do not like fish.

Go figure.


  1. Maybe your mom just appreciates the dry, non-slippery streets to go to work on.

  2. We hear everyone seems to enjoy The King's Speech - we suppose mum may go and see it - we won't cos we'd fidget too much!!

  3. We got about 6 inches here, so I wonder if you will get more snow today or tonight. Though from the radar pictures it looked to Mom as if the weather was headed out to sea.

    Happy Presidents' Day!

  4. Did they have salmon sushi?! I would want some of that because I DO like fish!

  5. hmmmm, we think your Mom's remark MAY have been sarcasm.

  6. Oh Millie! My Human went to see The King's Speech too. She said it was really good but I don't think I will see it until it comes out on DVD and even then I will probably nap through it. I'm not so interested in the Human movies.

  7. Mum wants to see that movie but hasn't found the time on the past few weekends. We like fish, we gather around mum if she is eating fish. We want some, she had salmon last week. Yummy.

  8. Perhaps your Mom meant that she didn't mind going to work on a cold, miserable day like today Millie - since it's not as though she'd be able to get outdoors and do much at home anyway.

    Sydney, Australia

  9. Millie....You are sooo lucky to be a cat because you don't have to go outdoors to go potty like us doggies do! Can you imagine being woken up from a sound sleep by your human who wants to take you out in the cold to do "business"? Grrrr!
