Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Heated Cat Cup

Mom bought me the heated cat cup over three years ago. Like any good cat, I ignored it for about two years. But now I like love it.

Mom bought it at Fosters & Stearns, but I bet you can get it cheaper elsewhere. So Spitty, make a play for it! You're a cat. You deserve it.


  1. And you look very very cute curled up inside it like that Millie.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. we would haf to get 4 or else there would be massive fighting ofur it. MOL

  3. he he - I has one dat I used for about 3 months, now I don't want anything to do with it. So typical.

  4. Millie, you are lucky your mom kept the heated cat cup. Around my house it might have ended up donated to the Goodwill after a whole winter with no use. Your mom is the best match for you, dear Millie :)

  5. You do look awfully comfy and happy in your cat cup. Good that Mom kept it and tried it again!

  6. Just what we needs on a cold morning- A nice warm cup of Millie!
    You are ever the gorgeous girl.

  7. Millie, we think your picture is in the dictionary under "cozy"!

  8. It would be typical of my human to buy one and then watch us argue over it.

  9. You know Millie, I think I deserve one of these because I am a good boy! The Human says they are a little spendy but as soon as she gets a few extra green papers, there might be one in my future. She thinks because I love my non-heated cuppy bed soooooo much that I will most likely use the heated version, specially cause it's so freaking cold here even in the summer!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. We better start liking our cat cup sooner than 3 years. Our Mom doesn't have that kind of patience! Trouble hopped in it last night and made some biscuits in there, but apparently it was not to his liking.

  12. That's the way keep your human off-balance, Millie -- just when your human is sure you don't like the nice gift...
