Monday, January 10, 2011

The Hot-As-Hell Box

This is the hot-as-hell box. It lives in the kitchen. Mom uses it to make things smell good. On Saturday, Mom cooked muffins in it. On Sunday she put a pan of beef in the hot-as-hell box to make beef stew. (It would have been delicious if she hadn't added stupid things like potatoes, carrots, celery, mushrooms and rutabaga.)

Later Mom baked a cake and then a loaf of English Muffin Bread in it.

The hot-as-hell box does not heat the house. That job is for the heating monster, and it lives in the basement. Mom says it eats green papers.


  1. Mom sez da same thing about our heating monster...and my heaty pad and Zippy's warmer bed!

  2. Dad likes it when Mom uses the hot as hell box cause he can crack open the door and warm his hands. Mom says that is ok as long as there is not a cake in the box

  3. I think that the heating monster is a VERY good use of those green papers! And it saves my human from using the green papers on useless stuff like new shoes.

  4. wow coolies. our mom says our hot-as-hell box is broken... it gets hotter then hell and burns the food if shes not really carefull. our heating monster lives under the house. its been eating more green stuff then usual.

  5. Ooh, yers is shinier than ours an it is self cleaning!

  6. Your mom is very talented to be able to make such wonderful things in her hot-as-hell box Millie.

    We have a cooling monster at our place for use on really hot days, and only a tiny tiny little heating monster - so tiny that it couldn't really called a 'monster' at all. Perhaps a heating kitten! It only gets switched on for three or four days each year.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Maybe that hot-as-hell box is not the main heating monster, but I bet your Mom found it radiating some nice extra warmth in the kitchen. On chilly days my Mom sometimes makes excuses to use hers.

  8. Your mom is a hot-as-hell box magician!
    PeeEss: our mom would be mortified if we posted a picture of the inside of her hot as hell box!!

  9. Mommy bakes in our hot-as-hell box, fact, she loves the English Muffin bread recipie!

  10. We have one of those in out house too! Only when The Mum uses it nothing smells good!

  11. Oh mum hasn't made the muffin bread in a while. She should do that, then we can lick butter from the bread.

  12. I wish my Human used our hot-as-hell box to make all that good stuff.
