Monday, July 16, 2007

Rainy Days and Mondays

Mom says the song goes, "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down..."

I don't have any problems with rainy days anymore, since I am always inside, but Mom's going back to work today after spending two weeks at home with us.


It was nice having her around. I got lots of pets and treats whenever I asked. And I found a really sweet place to sleep at night -- on top of the ginormous stack of 20 Holiday Gizzy Quilts! I feel like the Princess and the Pea! But, of course, there's no pea and Mom covered the quilts so I wouldn't get my fur all over them.


Still, life is pretty good, even if this is a Monday.


  1. Millie and Jasmine,
    You be good kitty cats while your mom goes back to work.

    My mum finally came home to release me from prison. Then she is going to go off to work tomorrow too!!!

    Still we are lucky to have nice family to look after us. Think of all them poor cats in shelters. Life is good!!

    Poppy Q

  2. HI Millie!
    our meowmize works today to. She is normally off, but traded shifts with her friend. Oh, and I finks all kitties should be treated like princess's and prince's.

  3. HAPPY MOnday :-)

    We hope you have a happy peppy day
    Go listen to some perky music and frolic!!


  4. We don't know about Mondays anymore, mom's just here alla time. But your rite about being inside when it's grate!

  5. I know how you feel Millie, my momma mostly spends the days with us...but 2 days every week she disappears!! When she comes home, we lets her know we missed her something fierce!!


  6. Millie,
    Isn't it the best when you have yer Mum home everyday, allday! I had my Mum home for a week in May and I loved it, but the Monday she went back to work was very lonely. I hope you have a good day.

  7. Happy "back to work" day to your momma. Ours had "first day of school" day today. Sigh. No more vacation ...


  8. My Mommy left today as well. It sux. And soon I hear we will be uprooted and have to drive a squillion miles and live in a different place.
    But, I have a holiday Gizzy to look forward to! Make sure you leave some furs on them, OK?
