Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sweetheart Sunday

This is my sweetheart, Monty Q:

He was a shelter cat, and I guess he waited there a long time for a forever home. I can't understand why; he's the sweetest cat. He's good to his kidbeans, very patient and friendly. He's protective and brave. He's even working to get his sister Poppy Q, out of prizzin.

Monty worried that because other cats think I'm cute, that I won't like him anymore, and that I will think other guycats are better than he is. So I decided to set the record straight.

Dear Monty Q,
I'm so sweet on you!
You're the One for Me.
And I'm the One for You.

with lots of purrs, headbutts and little kisses,
I shall -always- be
Your Darling Millie.

(I bet Monty's gonna spend at least part of the day in the icebox. That's OK. I like a cool cat.)


  1. Oh, Speedy sometimes worries dat Misty might find a guy she likes better than him! Dis should reassure Monty...he is a furry nice mancat.

  2. This is a great poem, sooo very very sweet. I think Monty if very happy now that you are his girl!


  3. That is a very sweet and romantic poem you wrote for Monty Q. He is a great mancat! Perfect for you, Millie!

  4. MomBean here, don't worry about Monty being in the icebox. He's too busy dancing on the ceiling. :D

  5. Monty Q. is the perfect guy for you Millie. We can tell that he's the only one of you. I know you're beautiful, but I would never try to come between you to.

  6. That's is very sweet of you, you have been nominated by me to the Schmoozer Award, please come to check it out~!

  7. My goodness, Millie. You have a boyfriend! He is a handsome boy.
