Friday, July 13, 2007

Frightening Friday

Mom made this hat/visor yesterday. (Actually, she made the sculpture, too, but not yesterday.) She bought a visor like this the summer Gizzy came to live here (15 years ago) when she and little Mr Karate were visiting her brother, Mr Cabinetmaker, in Catifornia. But over the years it wore out. So she took the old one apart and figured out how to make a new one using the old one as a pattern.I think somecat has a quilt with this gold fabric on the back. Kona, maybe? Anyway, Mom started sewing this hat the night before, but the iron exploded.

Really! She was working on the hat, and the iron was on, when all of a sudden it started to make sizzling and snapping noises, and then she heard a crackle and she looked up at the same time it made a popping sound and a flame came out of the soleplate of the iron.


By that time she was hurrying to unplug the thing and throw it outside. So she couldn't finish the hat because she needs an iron to sew. She was wicked happy she had finished all the Holiday Gizzy Quilts two days ago. This morning she got up and went out to buy another one.This one beeps when it's hot, and then after sitting there for 8 minutes, it beeps and shuts itself off. Mom has to wiggle it for it to get hot again.

Then it beeps. Again.

Noisy little sucker. Other than that Mom seems to be happy with it.

That wasn't the only scary thing that happened, though. Check this out:

(You know, somebody once said that any bozo can tell you what is right in front of you, but you have to be really "with it" to know something is supposed to be somewhere and it's missing.)

In this picture, my cat hammock is GONE! EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!

Turns out Mom took advantage of the fact that I was napping under the bed and took it down so she could wash it. I really let her know I wasn't happy to find it missing. The whole time while she was putting it back I was giving it to her, letting her know to HURRY THE HECK UP!

She listened. It's back, and it's clean and smells nice.

Of course, the freakiest thing of all is that today is Friday the 13th! W00t!


  1. How dare she take it down~! You have every right to demand instant action with getting it back where it belongs!! Plus its all yours, not hers! purrs


  2. How scary, Millie! :) I don't like it when my mom washes my things either, but I'm always happy afterwards, when they are clean.

  3. Wow, what a lot of strange happenings!! So glad your hammock is back, you look so comfortable on it. EKKK! Friday the 13th!! We're hiding for the day!!!
    Your FL furiends,
    Samantha & Tigger

  4. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Wow Millie, you and yore mom sure had a action packed day. I'm glad dat you got yore cat hammock back. We don't like it when mom moves our stuff either.

    The Christmas Gizzy Quilts are beautiful. I'm sure that the ones mom ordered for us from yore mom will be beautiful too!

  5. Why do da beans, speshully da moms, do dat! It's our stuff and when it's missing it just freaks us out. It is nice dat it comes back all clean and nice smelling but still...we wish dey would find a way to do dat wifout taking it away! Happy Friday the 13th, it's always a good day fur mom so it's a good day fur us too.

  6. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Cool hat! Yes, that is the fabric on the back of Kona's wonderful, bright yellow quilt.

    We really ought to get our baby-kitties some hammocks. You're lucky Millie :-)

  7. scary scary scary1 I'm so glad you are ok with the iron and stuff. those things can cause fires mommy sayz. she has a black and decker and likes it very much (except the beeping).

    I can't wait to get my Gizzy Holiday Quilt! Mommy said I can get one and I'm very happy.

  8. oh yeah Friday the 13th is not a good day!

  9. That was very strange - an exploding iron! Be careful today Millie!

  10. An exploding iron sounds very very scary! But I am glad you got your hammock back at least.

  11. Wow, what a freaky time! It's a good thing your mom was in the room when her iron freaked out - it would be terrible if no one noticed and something might have caught fire. We're so happy everyone is safe. Oh, and we're very glad that your hammock is back where it belongs!

    Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

  12. Wow, such excitement over there.
    The hat looks pretty fun, very New Hampshire-ish.

    We are so glad that your mommie got a new iron. Adjusting to new appliances is always difficult...

    Happy Week-end Millie

  13. Mom's got an old iron just like that one, but it don't beep. It musta been the early, silent model. As fur yur window hammock, she shoulda tolded you! Bonnie gets upset when Mom takes the fountain just to wash it. Then Bonnie watches her like a hawk (that's a big bird) until it's back where it belongs. Yur trainin yur Mom good, tho.

  14. Eeek! I was the 13th comment!

  15. Hahahaha! Our mommakitty pulls apart old stuff to make patterns too!

  16. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Darling Millie,
    I'm new to these parts and I thank you for your very warm welcome. Very cordial of you indeed. Most considerate.
    I think I have a crush on you.
    Darling Willie

  17. HOly whiskers, is your Mom okay?!?

    You can always teleport over here if you need somewhere to snug...someone else has a crush on you? I can't compete...:(

  18. scary fings aren't fun. Mama's mama once said that happinned wif an iron and Mama don't like leaving them things plugged in.

    Did you read about our scary night? The night the bad man came and tried to break into our house and broke into our car and wrecked it and we all stayed up all night acause we fot he'd come back to get in the house and steal our gudd stuff or hurt us? we were all berry scared, eben daddy. the poleece came and eberything, but they dint help much. we're all better now and safe in the condo partment where no bad mans can come get us no more.

    we hope.

