Saturday, July 14, 2007

Saturday, Cleaning Day

Yesterday Mom did all the laundry, and she even folded it and put it all away. Then she cleaned the bathroom and washed the floor. She went food hunting too. This morning she mowed the lawn and whacked the weeds. She watered all the plants and gave them food (don't ask me, I don't get it either). She washed Jasmine's and my Gizzy Quilts. She made her bed. She washed the windows in the living room, and dragged the rug sucking monster all over in there.

She's having lunch now. A roast beast sandwich with stinky cheese and yukky green rabbit food. I got a little of the beef.

Next she's going to wash windows in the studio and drag the rug sucker in there. She says she's going to suck the rug in her room and the table room too. At least when she's finished there won't be any more places in here that need rug sucking. Thank goodness.

I am glad I have much less to wash than she does.


  1. Anonymous1:19 PM

    WOW!!!! Your Mombean sure is busy.
    I think you need a nap :)
    Both house and cat nice & clean!

  2. MomBean put a whole chunk of meat on a barbeekew outside. Do you want me to try and grab some when it's done?

    ...I could help with that spot bewteen your ears. I know it's a hard spot to reach...*blush*

  3. My Mommy says that she is tired from just reading about what your Mommy is doing.
    Time for a nap!

  4. Mommie says that we need all that done here, oh we hate the rug sucking monster.

  5. OH Millie you have such a wonderful window seat. It's clean, comfy and you have a view of all that's going on outside. Momma has one she needs to install. I'm going to make sure she see's your picture so she can see how pleased and relaxed you look washing your paw like that.
    Oh, my momma says thanks for the info on the catnip seeds. She actually found a live plant at my food store. It was the last one left and it looked like a cat had rolled around in it too. She's gonna buy a different one later on, hopefully.
    Toodles, Tyler

  6. clenleeness iz nex to ... sumthin.
    mi squillion'z contest startz at 12:01 AM EST tomorrow!

  7. Wow! Your momma is furry busy! My momma is still tired. She took a nap with Charmee. No rug sucking monster for us. Maybe tomorrow.

    I hope that you got your little white-n-black toodies washed, Millie. You look furry busy in your photo.


  8. Dats to much cleaning all at once! Daddy did da rug sucking in da tv room today...he coodent stand all da catnip dat was on da floor any more! Mom just put it out fur us this morning! We're so bummed...
