Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Holiday Gizzy Quilt Poll

Now that Mom has finished the Holiday Gizzy Quilts, all that is left is to sell them. Mom had decided not to sell them before August 5, so cats could save up their green papers. But lots of cats have told us they are very eager to get a Holiday Gizzy Quilt, so Mom and I have put up a poll in our sidebar (to the left).

If you are interested in getting a Holiday Gizzy Quilt, please vote in the poll.

After the results of this poll are known, Mom will post a poll asking about what time of day would be best for everybody. (And it won't be in the middle of the night here.)

Thank you all very much.


  1. Oh my goodness. Ferst we thot it would be better to wait but dey am so purty we can't wait and we don't wants to miss owt.

  2. Uh uh this is like X-files, or ghost stories - a future post (July 22)!
    This is a difficult question - but if you have the quilts ready - why not start selling them right away. If cats have to save up their green paper and have to get them later, they still can do that, right?

  3. We voted for September 2! But whatever date it is, we will be there!!
    Samantha & Tigger
