Tuesday, July 03, 2007


A New Black Belt in the Family!

You all know Mr Karate has two Black Belts. Today we learned that Mom's sister, Mrs Mr Big, passed her tests and has earned her Black Belt in Karate. We are very proud of her.

This picture was taken when she received her Candidacy Belt back in September of last year. The candidacy belt is black and white, (like me) to represent everything she has learned from White Belt to Black Belt. She will receive her Black Belt in a Promotion ceremony later.

The beans in this picture are, from left to right: Mim-may (Mom's Mom); Mr Little Big (Mom's nephew, who is also working for his Black Belt), Mr Big, Mrs Mr Big (Mom's sister), Pip-pay (Mom's Dad), Mr Karate, a family friend, and Mom.

Now THIS is a way to celebrate my 400th post!


  1. I promise never to mess with your family Millie!

  2. *Clap,clap,clap*
    That's a lotta work to get a black belt!
    Mine mombean sez I need a belt to hold my mancat belly in place when I run. I just gives her the nasty eye when she says stuff like that.

  3. Congratulations to your Mom's sister on getting her black belt!! We know it was a lot of hard work, cause we have friends who are working on theirs.
    Your FL furiends,
    Samantha & Tigger

  4. Anonymous1:43 PM


    Do I detect a bit of French?? - Memere et Pepere?? Sorry, I can't put the accents on the e's!


  5. 400th post! Wow, we din't know der were so many...we unnerstand dat getting a real black belt is a big step, congratulations to Mrs. Mr. Big!

  6. Wow-wee! That's quite a feat! Karate black-belts are furry hard to achieve ... Big concatulations to your auntie for her achievement!

    Also, concatulations on makin' your 400th post!


  7. That is great! She should be very proud. Great job Mrs Mr Big!!
