Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Napping on Gizzys

Lookit this nice pillow Mom left on the wing chair for me. It makes such a nice pillow for me while I am napping on my Gizzy quilt.

Jasmine really liked this Holiday Gizzy Mom was working on yesterday.

Karen Jo and Skeezix were the highest bidders in the 4th of July Bizzy for Gizzy Quilt Auction. Thanks to everybody who participated.


  1. Yahhhoooooooo - I am the first to leave a comment today. I love the holiday Gizzy quilt that Jasmine is rolling all over. I will give you another $5 for Jasmine as well.

    Have a nice holiday Millies Mom - you deserve to have a break after all of your hard work this year.

    Thanks for enjoying being my first friday friend. Who will it be this week?

    Poppy Q

  2. Yahhhoooooooo - I am the first to leave a comment today. I love the holiday Gizzy quilt that Jasmine is rolling all over. I will give you another $5 for Jasmine as well.

    Have a nice holiday Millies Mom - you deserve to have a break after all of your hard work this year.

    Thanks for enjoying being my first friday friend. Who will it be this week?

    Poppy Q

  3. ohh ohhh - now we commented twice. So I have to comment again to say sorry!!

    We will leave space for all of your other friends.

    Poppy Q

  4. Poppy Q,

    I will be MORE than happy to stick Jasmine in a box and send her to you!

    Mom might be pretty angry, though.

  5. Millie, if you would wake up for just a second, I hafta ask..I mean, I'd like to ask..if you aren't busy.




  6. Dear Monty Q,

    Of COURSE I will go to the party with you. I'd like nothing better!

    your special girl,

    PS, I shall bring a first aid kit.

  7. Happy 4th and I hope to see you at the party!

  8. Will millie and Monty need a chaperone or a paramedic?

  9. I love the blog posts, but sometimes the comments are even better...I giggled like a school girl over this one by Millie:

    "I will be MORE than happy to stick Jasmine in a box and send her to you! Mom might be pretty angry, though. "

    Yah, I think your mom might be a bit miffed about that one Millie! :)

  10. Both of those Gizzy quilts are beautiful! I really like the holiday one. :)

    (I will post in the Bizzy for Gizzy blog eventually - my mom has been busy studying for an exam she writes next week, but I'll definitely have a post up after she's done. I love my Gizzy quilt!)

  11. Your quilts are the bomb, Millie and Millies' Mom. We are waiting patiently for the Christmas quilts so we can order. Millie you and Jasmine both look so cute on those quilts
    Have a Happy 4th of July a nice time with Monte at the party.
    Samantha & Tigger

  12. Oh, yoor willing to give Jasmine away? We bet yoor mom wood not be happy about that...We'z not allowed neer da stamps anymore cuz mom thinks we'd put a bunch on Zippy's butt and send her away...

  13. It that a purple chair?! Wowy - we luvs that chair! Looks comfy too!

  14. Anonymous5:02 PM

    There both very beautiful...Have a Happy and Safe 4th Of July :)

  15. You two look so lovely atop your "Gizzies" ... There's nothin' like a Tuxie to enhance lovely fabrics. Jasmine: Your tummy furr looks a lot like mine ... Very pet-able.
    Meow, meow!
    An' Happy Fourth of July!

  16. Those look so awesome. Mommy wants me to have a holiday Gizzy so bad! We'll be ordering one when they're available.

  17. napping on the gizzies is probably one of the best naps around!

    i'm working on my half and full monty today.

    ben fuzz

  18. Oh my goodness, that looks so comfy. Bubbles still sleeps on his quilt every night. And this morning Bubbles came to snuggle with Mom, and Madness was on the quilt!
