Gizzy is doing well. He's eating more. Since the v-e-t said he can have anything he wants, he gets anything he wants. Here he is eating the leftover bits from some of Mom's baked haddock. He ate a lot before she thought to take a picture. He also had chicken last night.

Every morning before Mom gets in the rainbox, she brings Gizzy and a can of stinky goodness (yes, we have checked all the numbers on all the cans...) in there with her, and closes the door to keep me out. Gizzy gets to have as much stinky goodness as he wants, without me around to gobble it all up (and I would, too!) Then he drinks from the faucet.
When she gets ready for bed at night, she brings him into her room, and does the same thing again. I do get to have the leftovers. She hasn't brought him outside in a couple of days, but mostly because she got home from day hunting too late and -she- was hungry. He'll go out later today.
But the best news is that he isn't losing any more weight. Mom thinks he's gained a little. He also seems to be grooming himself a little. I said "a little" because although this picture of him on Mom's bed makes him look really scruffy, he doesn't look that bad.

But I think he's gonna get another sponge bath really soon!
(Cat bloggers, what do you suggest Mom do to help Gizzy keep clean? Or how
should she clean him up?)
Gizzy's fur looks pretty good in the top picture. We're glad he's eating more. Mommy used to wipe off Vincent who came before with a damp paper towel (wet, if he was really dirty). She tends to just run us under the tap when we walk through something we shouldn't. She did that to Vince too when he was younger, but none of us are/were afraid of water (only our woofie is afraid of water). We think a paper towel or even a washcloth would be better for Gizzy than the tap. No need to stress him out. If it's not too wet, he might just think you're petting him.
ReplyDeleteI found some wet wipes at PetCo that are safe to use on cats.
ReplyDeleteYeah Gizzy!! The Tall Man is always carrying around "damp paper towels" (he has a whole system- he's crazy) anyway, sometimes he pets us with them and it feels nice and they aren't too wet or too dry.
For some reason, it's so satisfying to watch a kitty eat.
ReplyDeletei am very glad that Gizzy is eating well and gaining a little weight (or at least not losing). I think even a good brushing will help his furs.
ReplyDeleteYay! Good news! First time poster, long time (since Malcolm first brought Millie to the vet) reader. =)
ReplyDeleteWe've (my wife and I) always have had good luck just straight up bathing them in the tub with our (4) kitties. They all seem to enjoy it. We use a nice cat shampoo we got from Pet-Co and a cup instead of the sprayer. We find that the cup gives you more control of the water as not to get it in their ears. Good luck!! So happy for Gizzy!
Mommy says wet wipes and a brush should werk well. Glad Gizzy is doing a little better.
ReplyDeleteGizzy has such a handsome face!
Oh, We'z soooo glad dat Gizzy iz donig better and EETING! When Zippy haded her paw serjerees and wuz waring dat stoopid cone mom would take a damp washcloth and pet her with it. She effun did her face and Zippy liked da attenshun!
ReplyDeleteThere are pet wipes in the Petco and Petsmart specifically for "bathing" pets. They're especially good for cleaning up baby kittens - our Lady used them on us when we were little. Grr won't allow water baths and when she was captured, she smelled like hay. They work pretty well. She also saw some powder stuff that's supposed to be a "dry" bath, but she's never tried it and doesn't understand how that would work.
When I hand raised my four orphan kitties (they were just 10 days old), I cleaned them with a cotton pad dipped in warm water, and tried to mimic (sp?) the short, quick strokes of a mother cat's tongue. I kept one of the babies, who is now three years old, and I still give him baths like I did when he was a baby, and he usually purrs. Perhaps something like that, where Gizzy thought it was another cat, would work.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that Gizzy is eating and doing a bit of bathing. I hope he continues to improve!
ReplyDeleteMom bought some instant-bath and it came in a spray bottle. It smelled pretty good and it sprayed a LOT of bath at once. Mom used it on Fudgie when he was sick and wasn't groomin' (and she used it on Puffy's buns when he was too fat to clean them himself). She bought her spray at PetSmart.