Everybody from anyplace warm says to Mom, "Oh now, you keep warm, it's winter. You have snow... brr," like snow is some kind of disease. Mom likes the snow. She likes the winter. I think Gizzy likes the winter too, that's why he wants to go out in it.
Gizzy says when it's cold outside the air has a kind of a snap to it. He says it smells good. It smells fresh. He says on a bright blue day it's wonderful.
When it snows, if the wind isn't blowing, it's quiet. He says People can talk to each other a few houses away without shouting. He likes to watch it snow at night, because it's really pretty under the streetlights. It lands on the wires, and the tops of fences, and makes the car machines look funny. It outlines the trees.
The next day, after the snowstorm, the sky is usually bright blue and everything seems brighter because the light bounces off the white snow and makes everything really pretty. It never lasts long; the wind blows the snow off things, and they start looking normal again. The snowplows scrape the snow off the roads and dump it on the sidewalks for people to shovel away, and the snow gets dirty.
Sometimes the snowflakes are tiny and light as feathers. This kind of snow blows around easy and makes snowdrifts that look like modern sculpture. Sometimes the snowflakes are big and puffy. This is wet snow. It's heavy. It clings to things. It makes great snowballs.
Gizzy says that the weirdest thing about snow is when it crunches. It gets cold, and dry, and it gets packed down, usually from the wind. You can hear it crunch when people walk on it, and sometimes the car machines make the same crunching sound.
It's funny to watch people on the picture box in the pretend snow. It lands on their clothes and doesn't melt. They don't breathe puffs of cold air. Their cheeks don't get rosy. Their glasses don't fog up. Snow is COLD! Snow is FREEZING! Snow is COOL!
Mom duzent like snow. She sez it's nice when it first comes down but den it gets cold and makes a mess and makes it harder to get anywhere. Zippy likes it tho and will sit in da snow, she'z a weerd cat.
ReplyDeleteMy mom doesn't like it either. She says she didn't even like it when she was little. But it does make things look pretty.
ReplyDeleteBrrrrrrr - I'll stick to SF where it was 75 today
ReplyDeleteSorry "Snow" ICK! We dont want any part of it.
ReplyDeleteour mommy LOVES snow!
ReplyDeleteLooks beautiful there! :) We are used to snow in Milwaukee, and we love it too! We tried to let Tucker explore the snow but he put his head out the front door and a huge gust of wind blew snow right up his nose! :) He doesn't bug us to go outside during winter anymore!
ReplyDeleteThe quilts look beautiful!
Joni and Tucker the Cat
That really looks beatiful, but we are still glad we are Florida cats...
ReplyDeleteOur Mommie loves the snow. However, we don't get too much of it round here. We did get a little more this year than last.
ReplyDeletears mommee loves the snow. she hates ice. we gets ice more than we efer gets snow.
ReplyDeleteyuki & kimiko
Mommy loves the snow, but we don't gets much here. I like watchin it from inside only!
our Lady is from the Rochester area in New York, though she's lived out her most of her life. anyway, she loves snow and wants to move back there. she doesn't get very cold because she's "well insulated" (overweight). we like warm. the thought of snow doesn't thrill us one bit.
ReplyDeleteYour Mom and our Mama fink the same way, she luvs winter too and alla snow acause it makes it so bright and purrdy. She says winter makes her feel alive. Its a good thing she likes winter acause here in the great white north, we gets a LOTTA winter! Mama says there are two seasons here, winter and road construction. And the construction thing don't last too long and they has to do constructing in the snow too.
ReplyDeleteour winter wented away again finally though, no more snow. Now Angel cries like a baby to go outside ebery day!!