Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Gizzy goes Out again

Mom took Gizzy outside this afternoon. He walked all over the snow, and sniffed all kinds of stuff. He keeps trying to eat the dead grass. Mom won't let him, because he'll just blow chunks later. He stayed in the yard. Mom tried to lead him out toward the front of the house and the street, and he wasn't having any of it. She even tried to pick him up to carry him so he could look at new things, but he didn't want to go.

When he got inside, he got some stinky goodness, then drank some water. Then Mom gave him a sponge bath (which she did with a wet washcloth). He didn't like it much, and growled at her. She'll brush him later.

We like the idea of a kitty blog for kitties to show off their quilts. Mom's gonna set it up later. Then she'll email all the kitties who have their quilts already and give them the login name and password so they can post pictures of their quilts and tell their stories. Thanks, Junior, for the idea. When we send new quilts out, we will add the information to the package. Party... parcel... partip... parsnip.... participation (phew!) will be voluntary, of course.

Oh yeah, somebody said they had some fabric and could send it to Mom, but she can't remember who. Sure, we'd love it! Post a comment, and I'll make sure Mom sees it. Thanks!


  1. PARSNIPS! Did someone say parsnips?! I loves me some parsnips!

    -Orlando Bun

  2. Anonymous10:06 AM

    The cloth person would be me. :-)

    You can contact me through the Customer Service Department link in the right sidebar on my blog, which is at

  3. Anonymous4:09 PM

    ooh - we wanna be on the Quilt Blog with ours too!

  4. I am so glad you liked my idea! I can't wait to get my quilt so Meowm can take a picture of me!
