Saturday, September 02, 2017

I Was Insulted

I was debased.

Iwas humiliated.

I was chased.

I was caught.

I was caged.

I went to the vet.

I was poked. I was prodded. I was shot (twice!) I was "raked" to find any clumps (there were none) and my teeths were examined. (They would like to take some away, I guess I have some bad ones.) I had my claws trimmed and my ears cleaned. They put goop in my ears.

I weigh 13.6 pounds and the v-e-t was amazed that my eyes are good and I can run and jump as well as I could when I was a kit.

I am perfect.

I am unsurprised.


  1. oh my cod, the indignities

  2. It's a tuff life, Millie. Jack got his tooths cleaned today and he wasn't all that pleased, either, especially since they don't put him to sleep for it. You probably wouldn't like that, either. Look at it this way, your mom is taking really good care of you.

  3. Of course, you are perfect Millie!
    Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  4. Well, anyone could have told you were perfect without all that poking and prodding.

  5. We are sorry you had to endure all of that just to be told you are purfect!

  6. Oh Millie - that sounds truly horrible. And the pics indicate how unhappy you were about it all. But ... you're perfect: yaaaaaay!

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Poor, poor Millie. So sorry you had to endure this horrible experience! Sorry to hear you may have teeth pulled- ouch! I know you will recover from this and be healthier. XOXO

  8. 13.6? We are impressed. Even Marley is only 12.4...

    Sorry bout the vet visit. We get ours in Feb.

  9. Sorry you had to be poked and prodded. Sounds like you are purrty healthy, even with your bionic leg.

  10. I guess you were not thrilled Miss M. Good on you for tolerating all of that. I hope you slept for hours and hours after.
