Wednesday, August 23, 2017

A New Litter Box

Mom got me a new litterbox and new, softer, litter. I've had two Breeze boxes for over eight years, but lately my aim isn't so good. Mom wondered if I didn't like the way the pellets felt on my paws. We've watched enough Jackson Galaxy to know that sometimes if a cat misses the box it's a good idea to change the kitty litter, so Mom did.

Naturally I'll never tell, but I haven't used the other litter box since Mom got the new one, so Mom is counting that as a good thing.

 It's not quite as nice as spending a sunny morning on the front porch, but it'll do.


  1. Your mom is really on the ball - picking up on your needs and responding to them.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. That's very smart of your human, Millie.

  3. Hope the new system continues to work for you Miss M.

  4. Since we all use a litterbox, it's good to have a box and litter you like :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  5. Our mom bought us a larger box last year. We're doing much better with it!

  6. sunpuddles and a fresh litter box. Score!
