Saturday, May 21, 2016

Saturday Caturday

So here is the picture of the Shade Garden I wanted to show you yesterday. It is really looking good.

Mom is very happy.  She went out last night and bought dirt and a very big pot. AND she brought home MORE PLANTS!!!!

These aren't them. These are for the gigantic pot she bought, and they are going out in the front yard.

Me, I'm gonna enjoy being on the front porch all day long. Photos later...


  1. I'm a little bit concerned Millie. It seems that your mom is closely snoopervised when she's working in the garden, but what about when she's at the garden centre buying plants? Is she getting a bit carried away and bringing too many home do you think?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Your place will look pretty when your mom is done :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ
