Sunday, May 22, 2016

More, More and MORE Plants!

OK, Here are the other plants that came in the mail the other day. These are for planters for the front yard.

One of these is for in front of our big "Crocodile Rock",

 It will be tall and full of bright color. At least, it is supposed to be...

One is so Mom can look out the kitchen window and see something pretty,

and two to flank the entrance to the carport. Mom thinks some creature got to this one because one of the plants looks like it got crushed. Oh well. We'll see.

The stuff Mom had in planters on the front porch steps last year didn't make it through the winter. Mom was a bit bummed, but went to the local garden place and after a lot of thought came home with all this.

I think Mom is happier with these planters now. All these things like "part sun, part shade" and will grow to be very pretty and colorful.
Even I think these are going to be very pretty.

Hey, check this out, this was the shade garden exactly a year ago today. Mom was planting it.

 This was taken this morning. What a big difference! Mom has added a couple of things, and shifted a few plants around. Everything looks really good, and Mom is very happy.

Well, maybe not. Mom went to the Big Box store and brought back these herbs for the vegetable garden. Remember Mom got Lyme Disease last year and wasn't able to do much with the vegetable garden,  but this year she has made up for it. Here is Parsley and Dill, Basil and Thai Basil.

 They joined the Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano, Chives, some Basils and Tarragon that Mom has already planted.
In the corner under the carport, Mom has put some other planters of pretty colored shade loving plants in containers, partly so visitors won't walk into the big wind chime we have hanging directly above.

Mom also planted the Mint plants on the other side of the house. That area really needs work. There is kudzu back there, and it will take a lot to get rid of it, or to at least beat it back. The back yard is a real mess and Mom will work on that last.

There are seven bags of mulch stacked up just to the right of the planters in the photo above. Mom has to spread that around the area to the right of the driveway, where the peonies are getting ready to bloom, but that will have to wait because Mom is tired. (Gee, dunno why!)

Mom is two years into a five-year plan for redoing the landscaping of the house. Now she thinks it might be six year plan. All the plants she planted in the shade garden are doing very well, but that's because she had good dirt put in. She has lost some stuff she planted in the front yard, so she knows to fix that she has to put good dirt out there too. Still though, it's a good start. Mom has contracted an exterminator to spray the yard for ticks and mosquitoes throughout the summer, so she won't have to worry about that again this year.

Me? I'll be on the front porch.


  1. Your mom is very busy!

  2. Phew! I'm tired just thinking about it and I bet you needed a long nap after blogging about it. Your snoopervisor motor must be almost due for re-charging too. Take it easy Millie and mom! (Mind you, it all looks fabulous - well done.)

    Sydney, Australia

  3. The garden is lovely........well done Millie's Mom (and I am sure that your supervising role is appreciated by her).

    Noela Sydney Australia

  4. Mum is on year 10+ of her 5 year plan. Stuff dies, gotta find something else. Never done.

  5. Wow Millie your Mom has certainly planted lots of pretty flowers for you to enjoy.
