Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Not Quite When Wednesday

Kikky Kats, Smudge and Sweet Purrfections, I am sorry to say you are not the winners of the When When Contest. As you can see, the snow is still there. The snow is melting everywhere.

Mom has been cleaning up the gardens and uncovered these crocuses.  There are green shoots everywhere and Mom is happy.

I like the warm weather too. I can tell you right now I am going to like the screened-in porch a lot.  Fresh air, 24/7 bird, sqwirl and bug TV, my own 'Nip plants... yup, life is pretty good.


  1. Millie - the screened-in porch is going to be a sensational change in your lifestyle. Think of the smells you'll be able to smell, and the sounds you'll be able to hear while you soak up the rays. Bring it on!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Your porch looks awesome Miss M. I wonder if you will move out there for the spring season.

  3. Open doors, green shoots, and crocus blossoms are very good signs indeed.

  4. A screened in porch sounds just great for you Mille. Fancy watching the birds coming to sing to you - how good is that!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Wow Millie, love your screened in porch. It's your own little catio so to speak. You can hang out there with the birds and breath in fresh air. Purrfect!
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  6. millie...if yur mom tosses that snow ball inta de nayborz yard, then de tax day crew wins !!

    yur porch iz awesum...enjoy ~~~ ♥

  7. We have a whole closed-in patio with windows and screens... and it belongs to the dog. :-(

  8. we is hoping that it stays cold for tonight, and tomorrow night, and then warms up so that it's gone by saturday! MOL

  9. Screened porches are the best!
    We know you will enjoy it all Summer and into the Fall!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  10. What a change in the weather for you , Millie - the door is open!

    Noela Sydney Australia

  11. We are so happy you have crocuses in yer new house!
