Thursday, April 16, 2015

Almost When, but Not Quite

Lookit! This is all that is left of the snow in our front yard. Ellie and Simba, you came close, but it wasn't to be. You will not be the winners of this year's When When Contest.

Another sunny day in New Hampster and I'm ready for today's edition of Bird and Sqwirl TV.


  1. You keep your eyes peeled, Millie - there are bound to be new episodes of bird and sqwirl TV coming on soon.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. ahhh it looks like we are going to fall just short. we bet it's gone by tomorrow.

  3. I can see that it's down to the wire! Or dirt.

  4. I knew I'd guessed too far ahead with May but that last snowfall gave me a bit of hope, now its all dashed....:-(

  5. Ohh, it's getting closer!
    You're not expecting any freak snowstorm this weekend, are you???

  6. My goodness Millie, our snow went away sooner than yours. Of course you did have way more..and it has gone fast!

    Hope it is all gone furry soon.
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  7. You kitties really love that bird TV - mine are fascinated at the window allot!

    Have a great weekend!

    Check out my cat blog for archived stories about the abandoned/feral cat colony I manage.

  8. My goodness - that snow is going very very quickly!

    Noela Sydney Australia
