Monday, April 06, 2015

Millie Monday

This is what I did on my birthday.  Mom gave me Chick-hen stinky goodness for breakfast. I love Chick-hen.  For dinner I got BEEF! I really love BEEF. For treats I ate the treats SweetBean sent me. Yeah, I know they are SAMMON, and I don't usually like fish, but they were good.

The snow is melting fast.


  1. You must be thrilled to see the sun , Millie.......and lovely to hear about your special treats for your birthday.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  2. Sounds like your mom made a big effort to help you celebrate your birthday, Millie. It's no wonder you're now sleeping it off.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Best late birthday wishes to you, Millie! So glad you have had 9 wonderful years!

    Piper and Julie and Missouri

  4. That snow is melting too fast to please us Millie.

    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  5. Chicken and Beef are great foods Millie. Come over to the Mutual Iza and Zoey Birfday Pawty for more! ~ IZA

  6. happee bee lated birthday two ewe mille !! ♫♪♫♪♪...heerz two a yeer a head filled with happiness, health, fish oh plentee N steaks on de grill 25/8/366 !! ♥♥

  7. Amazing how fast that snow is going, going, but not yet gone.
