Sunday, April 05, 2015

It's my Birthday

Today I am Nine. It's kinda surprising because I almost didn't make it to One.

It did NOT rain as much yesterday as the weather guys said it would. In fact, it got sunny in the afternoon, and the temperature got over 60F. Mom even opened a window in the studio so I could smell the outside air. I liked that a lot.  Actually, I was escaping this:

So what was going on? Mom and her dad replaced the faucet in the bathroom. Why the big mess? Apparently the cold water shutoff did not shut off all the way, so it leaked. There was a bucket brigade until Mom figured out how to stop the dripping.

Here is the new faucet. Mom is really happy with it.

Although a lot of the snow has melted, there is still some left. We'll see what happens when the sun comes out later...
 I am sorry, Messrs White & Kitty, and Maggy, but none of you has won the When When Contest. There is still snow on the ground. It is melting fast. Here are some more photos of our front yard.

The great big garden rock is almost snow free.

Turning to the right a bit you can see the ground at the base of our lamppost.  It's going fast. When will it be gone? I do not know, you will have to check back every day to see.

Happy Easter!


  1. Happy happy happy birthday Millie. You've been a wonderful companion to your mom for many years now and a terrific blogger. Please keep it up. Good health and happiness for the coming year.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Happy Birthday young lady.............and many more to come.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  3. Happy Purrsday, Purrthday, Birthday all nine-times over ...
    Hugs and chin scritches!

    PS you know you must be special cause not every kitty gets a new faucet as a purrthday present

  4. Happy Birthday Miss Millie :)
    and Happy Easter !
    i hope you have lots of treat !!!

  5. Happy Birthday Miss M. Hope you got lots of scritches and treats.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  6. The new faucet looks pretty.

    Happiest of Birthdays Millie!!!!

  7. Happy Birthday Millie we hope you have a fun day. Are you sure you got the right Birthday present though as we didn't think you liked water??
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  8. Happy Birthday Millie!

  9. Happy Birthday, Millie. Hope you get lots of good treats and scritches.

  10. Happy Birthday Millie! Enjoy your special day.
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  11. Happy birthday, Millie! :)

  12. Happy birthday, Millie! You really don't look a day over three! Has it really been that long?????

  13. Happy Birthday Millie! Have a wonderful day.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  14. Happy Birthday Millie! We are sending you 9 big smooches. One for each year that has passed since you were born a itty bitty feral kitten. You have packed a lot of livin' into the past 9 years too with all your travels, blogging & adventures you have had. Here's to the next decade Millie. May your life just keep getting better & filled with good furriends.

  15. Nice to meet you, and happy birthday ! Purrs

  16. A Very Happy 9th Birfday to you, Millie! We are so very glad you made it past One...

  17. Happy birthday, Millie. And Happy Easter.

  18. Happy Purrthday and Happy Easter.
