Thursday, March 05, 2015

Toasty Thursday

There's still snow outside, but I can't show you because Mom had to get up early today to see a bean v-e-t for a checkup so she left me to post.

Here I am licking the butter off Mom's toast. What can I say? It was the best part of her breakfast. I sure didn't want all that stupid green rabbit food with yukky radishes, ah-voh-cah-does, fat-ah cheese and runny poached egg.


We have got lots of entries for the When When Contest. Some days where chosen by as many as FOUR different furriends. Mom says there are still two or three what she calls "viable" days that have not been selected by anybuddy.

On Saturday, after the contest is closed to entries, Mom and I will post the winning dates of the prior When When Contests. Mom says the numbers are very interesting.

But she also says that if I give any hints I won't get any Temp-tay-tions treats until the snow melts!! 



  1. What a fabulous looking breakfast Millie - fabulous for a hooman at least. I understand why you homed in on the buttered toast.

    And no, you don't wanna be deprived of treats until May 1 (which is my guess, and which will be the winning guess, just watch). So, no no hints.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. LOVE your new contest button, Millie!

  3. millie...ewe be a gal afturr me own heart...therz nothin on de hole planit az good az

    BUTTER !!! ♥♥♥

    butter lover boomer o cat =^..^=

    { eye find eye like de stix va rye a tee de best...sted oh de stuff ina tub }

  4. We also prefer butter to salad :)
    We picked mostly April dates.Wishful thinking that the snow will begone!
    We would like it gone now!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  5. Gosh - luved the look of your Mom's brekkie - she can come to live at my place any time, if she prepares it for me, as well.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  6. Salad for brekkie? OK, your mum eats healthy!
