Friday, March 06, 2015

Last Day for When When Entries

Today is the last day to enter the When When Contest. You can be a When When Watcher too! As you can see, we have a LOT of snow.  I cannot wait until it all melts. It certainly won't be today.

It is sunny out, but cold. I am going to nap in this sunny window, and then when the sun moves, I will to nap on my other kitty condo in the studio.



  1. that is a lot of snow, my thinks it may be June 1st before it is all gone.

  2. yay we got in unner the wire.

  3. Cute picture of you today Millie.

  4. millie.....can we change R vote frum tax day ta easturr rabbit Sunday N say April 5...

    stay warm ~~~~

    N heerz two a flagfish N false cat shark kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  5. Fabulous pic of you today Millie.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Your picture makes me feel like having a little lie-down, Millie - but it is 11.00a.m. here as I write.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  7. Hope you have lots of people guessing and then we can all start watching.

    We are going to have melty weather this next week. We might see the ground again.
