Monday, March 02, 2015

Millie Monday

 Don't forget to enter your guesses for this year's When When Contest.  Please enter in the comments of this post!  And Noela, I have decided you can enter even though you are a hooman.

We had a little bit of snow last night, and although it might be sunny tonight, we might have more snowy and snishy weather this week. (sigh)  Actually the snow doesn't bother Mom so much as the cold does. She wants normal March temperatures. And sun. Lots of sun.

Enter the contest here! It's easy and the contest is fun. Check back every day to see when the snow will go away! Be a When When Watcher!


  1. Thank you for letting Noela have an official guess in the When When competition Millie. She's an avid fan of yours - she just doesn't comment as frequently as I do.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Thank you so much for allowing me to enter your contest,Millie - I feel so honoured. Thank you again and lots of love from Sydney, Australia.


  3. We wish the snow would go tomorrow!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  4. Is that an official entry into the competition, Georgia and Julie? If so, I'm afraid that you're going to be disappointed tomorrow to discover that you haven't won the prize. :(

    Sydney, Australia
