Saturday, February 07, 2015

Slow, then Snow, Saturday

Mom got up this morning, fed me my stinky goodness and crunchies and then opened the door to the Sewing Studio. I went right out there to check out my domain.

Mom went into the kitchen and started cooking some gar-ban-zo beans. Then she made some corn bread and stuck that in the oven. While that was smelling up the house she made two loaves of her English Muffin Bread. Then she went food hunting.

When she came back, she was in a hurry, so I knew she was going to go right back out again.  She put the foods away and then took Mim-may to the quilt shop in Henniker where she brought one quilt for them to hang on display, and took another one home. She brought Mim-may to buy a few groceries and then they got the metal masheen washed.

While she did that, I did this.

 Back at home Mom made some granola and is finishing cooking the gar-ban-zo beans. I am still doing this.

We are expecting more of the white stuff, so neither of us will be doing much.
We have now had as much snow as we usually have ALL WINTER LONG.  Mom says winter isn't even halfway over.



  1. Mom sounds like she is having a very productive & bizzy Caturday. I must say I prefer your itinerary Millie. Your forecast for lots more snow would make me want to go into a deep sleep until spring arrives. We are big English muffin bread fans at our house, well, not us cats, but the human is. Does your mom have a favorite recipe she might share sometime or tell us where to find a good recipe? My mom is wishing she had a nice toasted slice with some Irish butter on it for breakkie fast with her caw-fee. She made 'nana bread, but there is no nip with her 'nana bread, so I find it boring. I need to convince mom that adding some nip might make that 'nana bread much more interesting. We really hope you don't get that much more snow tonight. Yeeeshhh!

  2. My goodness. Millie -for a slow Saturday, your Mom kept herself very busy -but for you..........well we know that you like a good sleep now and then ( or should I say -a lot of the times!) Enjoy, and try not to let the snow worry you too much.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  3. It was good that your mom was able to go shopping and get her chores done outside the house in spite of the snow, Millie. I'm pleased that you found something to do that you enjoyed!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Sorry you are getting so much snow. We finally caught up to where we are supposed to be, mum says she wants spring, now.

  5. Looks like you had a much better day than your Mum did. MOL!

    We can't believe you're getting more snow. When will this end???

  6. You are sure getting enough snow this year! An we hear there is more coming next week too... Stay warm.
