Tuesday, September 23, 2014

These Aren't the Droids You're Looking For...

Remember in the movie "Star Wars" Obi-wan Kenobi told the storm troopers "These aren't the droids you're looking for," to make them think they were looking at something else?  Well, lookit this.

 Mom says that I am, on no account, to pay attention to the suitcase on the bed.


Hellllll-OH---OH! I'm a CAT, remember? Cat = Curious.

Yeah, sure. This from the lady who told my my cat hammock problem was "teeny weeny and not worth worrying about."

I'm a CAT, not a DOG, for Heaven's sake. I may have been born AT night, but I wasn't born LAST night.


Mom put some clothes in the suitcase. Not her working clothes, but her weekend clothes. She put extra undies and socks in there, and a nightgown, and her hat and her jewelry.

She emptied out her bureau and put all the stuff in a big box. She added the shoes she hardly ever wears, her purses and her scarves. Then she taped the big box shut and added it to the stack in the other room. Those boxes are popping up everywhere, and it's getting kinda crowded in here.

She said my very own big box is coming real soon, but it won't come here, it will be delivered to the "new" house. (Which isn't new, by the way. It's old. It's older than dirt. It's like 30 years old.) She said it is coming all the way from Catifornia (which is where Mr Karate & Rubylocks live) and it will get "here" (actually "there") in a week. She says Mr Brown is bringing it for me and I will forget all about my cat hammock when I see it.

Yeah right. Sounds like another diversion to me.

I think my Mom is losing it. She actually said she thought she could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Kitties, I, being a Cat, am an Expert at digging. And I can tell you definitively there is NO tunnel anywhere around here, let alone a light at the end of one.

sigh. I think I need a nap.


  1. Jedi stuff doesn't werk on us kittehs. We're too smart and real fer that. Although, we're not sure about the "Silvervine" manuver.

    Oh Bast, "extra undies and shoes" means she's leaving.

    Will someone who moves in after Mom leaves feed you?

  2. Oh Millie - your Mom certainly says a few strange things , doesn't she? I guess you will just have to be patient to see how it all turns out ( and I am SURE it will be fine). Back to sleep.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  3. Ooooh - I wonder what Mr Brown is bringing all the way from Catifornia. Is he bringing Mr Karate and Rubylocks back in a box? No? Oh. Then I can't think what it might be Millie. Your mom is behaving very very oddly and you're probably right: she's losing it. Pity.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. We think you're right to be wary Millie as humans say such silly things sometimes. If only they were as intelligent as us cats.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Don't try to figure humans out Millie.
    That is guaranteed to give you a headache :/
    Just keep your eyes on her, humans can be sneaky!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  6. Its sure exhausting to think about it isn't it? Nap. Just nap.

  7. Yikes, it sounds like there is some funny stuff going on at your house Millie! AND not the ha ha funny either.

    We thinks you should take extra naps while you try to figure it out!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  8. The fun is just beginning.
