Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday Tree

Mom got the lights on the tree last night, and then she hung some garlands. I learned something about real live Christymas trees last night.
They are messy! Mom dragged out the rug sucking monster to pick up the needles the tree dropped.

I ran out from under the tree when the rug sucker came out, so there are no photos of me today.


  1. It's beautiful! It's been our experience, Millie, that the rug sucking monster comes out LOTS during the holly-daze.

  2. That is one advantage to having a faux tree, although they don't smell as good. Actually, at this point, ours probably smells pretty dusty!

  3. Oh Millie - how can you climb all over that tree and knock more needles on to the floor and pull bits off and gnaw the trunk and break the branches and generally create havoc? I thought that was why your mom got it. But now she wants you to re-arrange all those coloured lights and ornaments first before you get stuck into the real work? Geeeez. She's tough sometimes, your mom.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. "That's not one of those trees that all the needles fall off, is it?"
    -From A Christmas Story (A seasonal fav around here!)

  5. but we'll see you under the tree another day - along with all the "other" pretty things!~!

  6. pretty tree. I would like to live in it. - Nicky

  7. Your Mom was really busy!

  8. The tree looks pawsotively lovely Millie!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  9. A TREE! You got one and we don't! Its lovely. Can we share it?
