Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Toys! Toys! Toys!

Oh Bast!

Mom decorated the tree last night. It's full of fun toys to bat around. Not only does the tree smell good, but I can sharpen my claws on the tree trunk and Mom doesn't mind!  Oh lucky, lucky, lucky me!


  1. Lucky you to be able to stretch on the tree. That's a beautiful tree! I don't think my 'girls' got out all the decorations for ours, but Gracie has bumped a few off already and bent a few branches, too....

  2. You get to sharpen your claws on the tree? How awesome!

  3. Wowza Millie. That's fabulous - although with all those toys in the road, I'm surprised you can even find the trunk. Still, loads of options for hitting, batting, breaking and generally messing things up. Go for it!

    Sydney, Australia
