Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tattle Tale Tuesday

Lookit what Mom brought home. She was very excited about it, and tried to get me to use it.

Yeah right. Like I'm gonna check anything out with her hovering over me.

Maybe I will, maybe I won't. I'm not telling.



  1. Millie - I've just googled this product and it seems quite a good idea. It will make the water more appealing and seem fresher, which may, in turn, encourage you to drink more. Perhaps you could ask your mom to help you google it on the tippy-tappy box so you can read all about it too.

    My vote is "Yes"!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. We LOVED our Drinkwell! Till it broke.

  3. It looks so nice, Millie. We've heard great things about these. Wait til she leaves the room to try it. Be sure and update us about it. xoxo

  4. Out Mom has wanted to get us one of those because we give her the "stare of disgust" if our water is not super clean. Please let us know whether you like it.

  5. Oops - the previous comment is from us. mom was logged on her work e-mail.

  6. They do take a little getting used to, Millie. It's a totally new way to experience water so approach carefully, but we think you'll love it pretty soon. -Shaggy
    It's great fun to play in! That's why mom took ours away....I had too much fun with it! -Scout

  7. Nice! Please let us know how you like it, Millie. Mom and Dad were thinking of getting one of those for us (well, really for crazypants Moosey, who is obsessed with playing with the water). :)


  8. We have the stainless steel Drinkwell 360 and we love it! EK, the holy terror boy, especially loves it. He plays in the water and climbs all over it. We girls just drink daintily from it.

  9. Millie you don't know what you're missing. We love our Drinkwell fountain. Wait till mom goes day hunting and then tried out.

  10. Even Angel, Rufus, and Star used one (almost like yours - but not quite)

    But NEVER if we were nearby . . .

  11. We don't like being hoovered over with mum or by mum. You will use it when you are ready.
