Thursday, December 08, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

1. It is really windy outside today. I am glad I am an indoor kitty.

2. Mom is getting rid of a lot of junk stuff. She's been downstairs in the dungeon a lot, sorting through stuff and bringing out to the trash.

3. I know the Christymas tree is down there somewhere. I hope it comes up soon.


  1. Miss Mille, it seems like you have not moved a bit from your spot since yesterday. Maybe you should go down help your mommy to find the tree.

  2. I don't know if my human will ever get our Christmas tree up this year!

  3. Oooh - I think you're probably right Millie: that's where the tree is and your mom will be bringing it up very soon now.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. We cant wait ta see yer Chrissymouse Tree this year!

  5. Sounds like our house Millie. Lots of sorting & cleaning downstairs and the tree can't come up until there is room to get it out of the closet!

  6. Don't you think the hooman could use your expert snoopervishun?

  7. We hate it when Mom starts moving stuff and clearing things out! You are very wise to to stay out of the way!

  8. Are you going to help your Mom with decorating the tree?

    Hmmmmm I wonder if that is a very good idea, now I come to think about it!

    Noela Sydney Australia
