Friday, December 09, 2011

Freaky Friday

Mom brought up more stuff from the dungeon last night and has put it out for the trash. She has two old sewing machines that don't work, and she wants to get rid of those too. She also has a couple of maple twin bed frames that have to go-go-go.

But that's not the freaky part. Mom has started using the M-word.

oh dear.


  1. M word? I'll have to apply myself to that Millie, 'cos "mom" and "Millie" are the only two M words that I can think of immediately, and neither of them seem to fit.

    Aaaaah: you're not saying "moving" are you?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Kikky8:19 AM

    Millie, if the "m" word is move, try to think how freaky that is to your mom. She has lived there a LOT longer than you have. Please be a good girl (I know you are) and cuddle up nice to her to reassure here it'll all be ok.

  3. Oh no!!!!! The M word????????
    Sounds scary and a bit exciting ;)
    Thursday, we has those scary winds too!!!!!!! And buckets of rain.
    Today is much better :)
    Purrs Tillie & Georgia

  4. THe M-word is more scary than the clean up ! We hope if you have to move it is not far!

  5. Try to remember that M could sldo mean more bird TV, more napping spots, more sunshine, less hots in the summertime, and a much happier Mom . . . which could lead to more scritches . . .

  6. Oh goodness!
    Stay calm and carry on.

  7. Well, the only time that word was thrown around here, we wound up in a much nicer house than the one we were stuck in! So it does not seem like that bad of a word to me.

  8. Uh oh, we don't like the M-word, and all it implies! Say it ain't true, Millie!

  9. We don't like the "M" word very much, but we have to admit that our last "M" word wasn't too bad, and we've got a lot more space to run around and play in. We hope that is what happens to you too.

    Cody and Gracie

  10. Say it isn't so, Millie! Move??? That gifs us the willies!

  11. Don't worry Millie, my mom and I just moved (a huge life event so says mom) and I now have tons of space to chase my toys around! Plus bird tv is much better here!

    Hang in there girlfriend,


  12. I'll tell MomBean to clean up the joint!!!
