Monday, September 05, 2011


This is not good.
And I'm not stupid enough to fall for this.Nope. Ain't gonna happen.


  1. The Selvage Fairy12:38 AM

    Absolutely hold out for nip.

  2. Oh Millie, my heart goes out to you.
    On the second note I have a suggestion for your mom. It is much easier to wrap them in a small blanket (throw) or a towel and put the whole bundle in the carrier while it's standing with the opening door on the top. It makes it less stressful for the kitties too, since they can hide inside the blanket. Also comfort zone feliway spray can be used to reduce stress.

    Good luck Millie.

  3. Aw man, Millie, what a lame trick! As if!!!

  4. We're sending purrs til your visit is over. You haf to give the mom credit fur trying, though. Happy Monday! xoxo

  5. We will be thinking of you, Millie. Mom always has to do it the way Pasha suggests and even then we batttle. But we go in the carrier so easily when it is time to come home!

  6. Millie - if I were you, I'd hang out for something MUCH better than a few little treats: either a mountain of treats or some real life dead cow.
    And while you're at it, I'd open negotiations now about how you'll be compensated on arrival home.

    Another idea is to ask your mom for some Rescue Remedy. It's designed to reduce anxiety in humans, but is widely used for pets too.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. We have folded towels in our carriers, so it feels more like a bed. I am the only one that will usually get in without having to be forced though. I don't complain about it until after they close the door.

  8. Millie - we're glad you're not going to fall for the treats at the back of the carrier trick!Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Bribes?? She resorts to bribes??!!!
    Now that you know the plan, make yourself scarce on Wed! We agree with the others....only for nip!

  10. You are a strong kitty to avoid those treats. We know a PTU when we see one but even the strongest of us may overcome our fears for treats.

  11. We have little red tents for carriers. We love ours and there's never any fuss about getting us in them. Tell your mom to check out my post about pet carriers:

  12. Millie, good luck and sharpen your claws!

  13. We know you will not fall for that!

  14. We know you're way too smart for that, Millie!

  15. Millie, we understand how you feel!We hope your Mom doesn't get too scratched up.

    Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, Caramel, Sunny, and Sky (& fosters Jett, Panda, Domino, Louisa, Kurt, Brigitta, and Marta)
