Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Oh, The Indignity!

I do not know how it happened, but Mom got me in the PTU  (Prisoner Transport Unit) this morning, and it took her less than two minutes! 

I did not see it coming.  One minute she was petting me nicely, and the next minute she was holding me!

I was Not Happy!  I hissed and scratched. Before I knew it, I was being stuffed headfirst into the PTU. 

I meowed. I tried to get out. It did not work.  I was stuck!

Mom put on her jacket, and carried me to the metal masheen.

We went for a little drive, and then I was at the V-E-T's.
Mom opened the door of the PTU, but I'm not stupid, I stayed put.

The vet, Dr L, examined me, and pronounced me "perfect." Big deal, I already knew that. I got shot. But the worst was yet to come.

Two nice girls came in to visit me. One grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and turned me over, while the other one trimmed my claws!

Oh, the indignity!

I am home now.  I think I earned the treats Mom gave me. Now I am going to have a nap.


  1. The Selvage Fairy11:09 AM

    You know Millie, if you let your mom hold you more often, it wouldn't be so traumatic.

  2. Oh, Millie. You poor thing. Such indignities.

  3. Oh Millie,

    Peeps have NO idea!!!!
    you did good though...

    mat, mer, & mor,

  4. No power pooping at the stabby place? One should always poop as much as possible at the stabby place, and get as much on a human as possible. Explosively. It's about the only fun thing to do at the stabby place...

  5. Indignity indeed!
    Holding you down like that for you mainicure, like you're some kind of wild beast!
    But you're home now, make mom give you extra treats.

  6. ♥♥♥♥Millie♥♥♥♥

    At least it's all over now. Enjoy your extra treats, and make sure to get all of that "VET" smell out of you.

  7. WE know it is scary, but it is over till next August. We hate clippy claws, too! We like it when Dad takes us cause he forgets to get the claws done!

  8. How awful, Millie! I can see how mad you were at this humiliating turn of events.

  9. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Oh Millie, we're deeply sympathetic. We had our annual vet visit last Thursday (the only good thing is that she comes to us so no PTU). One of us got shot and we all suffered through nail trims. Fortunately, Greenies afterwards. Did your mom give you some treats?

    Lizzie & 3 kitties

  10. The Selvage Fairy4:16 PM

    I'm sure you're thrilled that your mom remembered to bring the flashy box so she could record every humiliating moment!

  11. Poor Millie!
    However.........what you went through helps to keep you purrfect...........is there a word which means "even more" purrfect?" If so, we would use it for you!

    Noela Sydney Australia

  12. Poor Millie! We feel your pain! Our mom did the same to us 2 weeks ago & we STILL haven't gotten over it enough to blog about it! If those "nice" girls were really nice, they wouldn't have cut your beautiful claws of death. We all laughed when we saw the treats way back in the PTU. How naive! No self respecting kitty would fall for that!

  13. Poor Millie! We feel your pain! Our mom did the same to us 2 weeks ago & we STILL haven't gotten over it enough to blog about it! If those "nice" girls were really nice, they wouldn't have cut your beautiful claws of death. We all laughed when we saw the treats way back in the PTU. How naive! No self respecting kitty would fall for that!

  14. Indignity indeed! How dare they turn you over as if you are a turtle! You need to think of a good punishment for your Mom.

  15. You, poor, poor, thing! Extra treats, indeed! xoxo

  16. Glad you are home, yes you deserve your treats.

    Mum has a comment. She says the PTU should be buckled in with the seat belt. She runs it through the handle of the PTU and click it shut. That way if some stupid person hits your metal machine, you in the PTU won't go flying around in the PTU!

  17. Well done Miss M, I am due for mine in two months too, and mum isn't looking forward to it.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  18. MOL..Millie, This is so funny post : ) I really love it
    I'm sure you got so many treats after this
