Monday, January 03, 2011

Millie & Monty Monday!

Woo Hoo!

See this magazine? It's the January 2011 issue of Australian Homespun magazine. It is a very nice magazine. See that pink bookmark? Open the magazine up to that page...
and... TA DA!
An article about Monty and me (and our Moms, of course, since they help us out with blogging.) I am very excited. Mom is, too. She's been telling everybody about it, and showing the magazine to all her family and friends. The nice lady who wrote the article, Megan Fisher, is a regular commenter on my blog. She sent Mom a "preview copy" of the magazine. Thank you Megan! The article is terrific!

Mom's feeling much better today. She has taken the Christymas decorations down, and will be packing them away. I will be playing under the tree as long as I can.


  1. Oh my Goodness Millie - once you appear in print you are "officially" famous!
    Our Mom said she is also taking down our tree today - we are not happy.

  2. Wow - you're even more famous now! That's really cool!

    Charlemagne, Tamar and little brother Mal

  3. Wow, Millie, that's fantastic! We're very impressed! You're a real celebrity now -- in print!

  4. That is wonderful. Mom went on the net to see if she could get a copy. No one around here sells them and she cannot order a single copy. We know it is a great article about you and Monty!

  5. Woo Hoo for You and Monty (and your moms)!!!!

    Too bad no one near here sells that magazine ...

  6. Congratulations Millie!! Can I have your pawprint? I've never known anycat that has their picture in a magazine. Wowie!! What a handsome picture of Monty too. You make a beautiful couple....

  7. This is very eggciting! We always knows that you and Monty are speshul!

  8. Super fantastic! Your love and your Mom's quilts are famous!

  9. Could you arrange to send us your pawtograph and one of Monty's too please.

  10. Wow - that is really cool!!

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Yoda, Brutus & Ellie

  11. That is so totally cool that you and Monty are in a magazine! In Australia! This is SO AWESOME!

    Luf, Us

  12. Oh WOW how awesome is that!!!!!!

  13. How exciting! You have international exposure!

  14. Millie - you and Monty look fabulous in the article. Thank you so much for allowing me to write it.

    I am mindful that not a lot of patchwork/craft shops in the USA stock the magazine. However, it is possible to buy single issues online from several USA-based stores. They include:

    Ericas at

    and Stonehouse Publications

    However, you have received a copy of this issue prior to its general release. It will only be going on sale here in Australia tomorrow, January 5. It typically takes about another month for it to become available in the USA. For those who are interested in following up, the issue number to look for is:
    Homespun Vol 12 #1.

    I'll send you a note when it's available online in the USA so that you can remind your readers if you wish.

    Sydney, Australia

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Congratulation !!!!!! You made our cat's world getting bigger now . Think about it " Your Story in Human Magazine ! " How cool is that ! Well done guys

    Anyway , I will tell my mom to look at this magazine cause we live in Australia : )

  17. YAY Millie - that's a real honor. Congratulations to you and your mom. Pawsome job.

  18. Now you are just a true celebrity, not just an internet celebrity. Is there are spot on line that the rest of us will be able to read the story?

  19. Duh, we just went back and read Megan's comment. Please post the link when you get it. Thanks.

  20. Wow, yer famous! That is SO COOL!!! Congrats to both Millie an Mom...

  21. WOW Millie! You're in a magazine! Way to go!

  22. Aw we knew we shoulda' gotten your autograph sooner.

    you look purrfect in that magazine..


  23. Wow Miss Millie! Your photo looks beautiful and Monty never looked more handsome. Congratulations!

    P.S. Tomorrow I turn 16!

  24. Congrats on the fabulous article about two love cats and their beans!

    Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel (& fosters Sunny and Sky)

  25. Anonymous5:50 AM

    hi Millie,
    You came staring out of me from Homespun.
    My buttons are just below you show all picture...
    Uncanny to see a face that looked like my recently departed Millie..
    from Australia
    Just gorgeous Millie
