Sunday, January 02, 2011

Dizzy Mom

Hi everybody. I'm fine, but Mom's cold has made her dizzy. She says even looking at the computer makes her feel a little crazy, so she's gonna spend the day in the recliner watching the picture box and napping.

Me? I'm just gonna nap.

It's warm out, the snow is melting, we both have foods, the house is warm. It's all good.


  1. We hope the dizzies don't last too long. Resting is the best approach. Purrs and feel-goods from me and Mom.

  2. Please tell your mom we hope she feels better soon...

  3. We hope your mom feels better soon!

    Happy 2011.

  4. It is no fun when humans' colds affect their heads like that. I hope your human feels better soon!

  5. I hope that you'll nap close to your Mom so that she can hear you purring her back to full health Millie.

    Have a relaxing and restful day.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. My mom did the same, When she was sick. I hope your mom have a big rest and get better so soon : )

    Purrs and Kisses

  7. Sorry your mom not feeling well. Getting dizzy is not fun I hear. Hope she gets well soon. We'll miss you.

  8. Hi Millie...I am glad you could join your mom for a nap today and I am sure she felt comforted to have you right there at her side! I hope she gets better soon!

  9. Sorry your mom has the dizzy, but what's really important here is that you have your foodz!

  10. Dizzy is not good, hope she gets lots of rest and gets better soonest.

  11. Keep Mom in the recliner so her dizzies don't cause her to bump her head!

  12. If you sit with you mom and purr Millie we're sure she will be as good as new very soon.
