Saturday, September 04, 2010

Slow Saturday...

It's going to be a nice, easy, slow day here today. It rained last night, but it is sunny and warm now. Mom and I will be having a nice relaxing day watching the Tennis.Mom is on stay-cation again next week, and we haven't got much planned next week either...


  1. Oh No! Not the dreaded VET! Our Mom is looking forward to 3 days of Tennis. Unfortunately she is not on staycation next week. But she keeps saying that One Day she is going to go there and watch the tennis for real. But that means we will be all alone... Mom!

  2. Oh no, Millie! I don't like what is on the calendar for you for the 8th at all! I hope you find a good hiding spot on Wednesday so your mom can't take you to the dreaded vet!
    I read that you are on a staycation and I wonder if you and your mom are up for a staycation contest hosted by Tucker the Great Dane from Maine or not? All you have to do is post a blog about a local trip that you and your mom shared along with pics and then send it to Tucker. Be sure to get it all done by Monday, the day the contest ends...okay? Go to his blog at for details.

  3. Millie - try to look on the bright side: you'll get to have a spin in your Mom's brand new silver masheen. Perhaps if you ask nicely, she'll wind the window down and let you put your head outside!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Millie - we thought you might like to play hide and NOT SEEK on Wednesday morning - just thought we'd mention it in passing!

  5. Oh no! A V-E-T visit. You might want to start looking for a really good hiding spot.

  6. I think you should write - buy temptations and feed to miss M, on the 9th as a reward.

  7. eppp hide under the bed!! at least she will be home to make it up to you. We agree with the treats idea.

  8. GAH! Time for under the bed, just out of reach.

  9. Oops! It looks like Slow Saturday just got a little more stressful!

  10. Staycations are fun. Sorry it will be interrupted by a vet visit!

  11. Oh no the 8th doesn't look to good. I think disappearing for the day would be quite a good idea!


  12. That was nice of Mom ta warn ya so that ya can hide real good...

  13. Uh-oh! But maybe it won't be so bad? Maybe the v-e-t will have fun treats for you?

    Yeah, like THAT will happen. Better start looking for that hidey hole n-o-w.

  14. You look so purrty on that 'psychedelic' quilt! And maybe your vet visit is just a 'well baby checkup' and nothing bad will come of it...

  15. Oh oh!
    Does she know you know how to read her calendar?

  16. Uh-oh! Padre has been to the V-E-T a lot lately.

    Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
