Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Tattle Tale Tuesday

Our tree is losing lots of its leafs. Look at the red carpet under it!

I have tattle tale today about Mom. There is a guy on the picture box and the squawk box that sells something. He does his own commercials. I think his name is "Baaaaaaaahb." Anyway, Mom hates the sound of his voice. Whenever he comes on the picture box, Mom hits the silent button on the remote. When he is on the squawk box, Mom turns it off.

The other day, Mom was in bed because the squawk box hadn't woken her up yet. When it did start squawking, "Baaaaaaaaahb" was doing his usual squeal. Mom reached over and hit the silent button, but the squawk box kept on squawking. So she banged it harder. It kept squawking, and "Baaaaaaahb's" voice could be heard going on and on. Mom banged the squawk box so hard it fell off the nightstand. "Baaaaaaahb" was still going! Mom had to get out of bed, move the nightstand and get down on her belly to get the squawk box and silence it for good!

I thought it was about sixty-three kinds of funny!

Here's a real tattle-tail story that made the local news! Check THIS out! It's not a funny story, but it ends well.


  1. LOL, we would like to do that to the Dad's phone when it wakes us up in the morning. ~S,S,C & F

  2. I would be lost without my mute button! That tree is getting skinny. Those leaves will be well gone before my date arrives. Oh, well...
    ~Lisa Co9T

  3. We're glad the story at the end turned out okay!

  4. Geez, sounds like the thing was possessed!

  5. We are glad Mom does not have a squawk box any more! Dad has to hit his several times before he is convinced it it really time to get up!

  6. Them leaves are dropping and dropping. Paws crossed.

    Your mom is very funny!

  7. Wish I could have seen that!

  8. hee hee hee! our the mom says that she "feels" for your the mom!

  9. We know what yoo is talking about cuz our mom hates almost all commercials and haf worn da 'mute' print off alla da remotes in dis house. We feel bad dat Baaaaahb tortured her tho.

  10. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I am sayin' 64 kinds of funny☺

  11. I always check up on you every day too!

    Mum would probably buried her head in the pillow to muffle the noise. Baaaaaaahb!

  12. Our Mom probably would have thrown the skwak box across the room. She threatens to do it almost daily anyway.

    That story made us angry, but we are glad it had a good ending.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
