Monday, November 02, 2009

Millie Monday

Good morning! Here's our Japanese Maple today. As you can see, it is losing its leafs. My pal Oreo from Furr-ginia, who guessed Nov 7, might have a shot at this!I'm just watching!
Mom's still working on the quilt for NewBean, and I'm making sure she considers my input.



  1. What's a quilt without a cats input? Of course you have to put your two cents in.

    We have been banned from Mamas sewing and crafts. We tear open big bags of stuffing and spread it around after we eat a little of it.
    Then we throw up something like fur balls but it's stuffing balls instead.

    Have a purrfect day!
    From your friends Peanut and Marshmellow and their Mama

  2. We want those leaves to hang on in there until November 18th! If necessary yoo could super-gloo them!

  3. Whats a quilt without cat fur?

  4. We have enjoyed watching your trees change. We are in Furginia too and there's still lots of orange and brown leaves left on the treesbut tons on the ground. Mewmie raked them twice already but she said she's leaving the last batch on the ground to admire for a while--anyway they are soggy wet and no fun to rake now!

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  7. The tree is getting bearer by the day. Our trees have no leaves on them right now. I like the photo of you watching the leaves falling. Kind of upside down.

  8. Millie if you laid around in that position at our house, you'd get pounced for sure and a good rassle would ensue.

  9. That tree certainly is loosing its leafs fast all of a sudden. We hope there is a winner soon (but not before Nov. 17th - mol). We can't wait to see what Monty's new baby bean's quilt looks like when it has been finished.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  10. At least you can watch the tree loose it's leaves Millie while your Mom works on the quilt. Love your nap spot. Sure does look comfy.


  11. We did not know any quilt or sewing project was complete with our cat furs!
