Friday, September 25, 2009

What's New Friday?

This is the wall of Mom's "cube" at her day hunting gig. You can see pictures of Mr Karate, and some other stuff she likes.Now check out the pictures Mom has on the coldbox here at home.
See any similarities?
Sheesh! It's a good thing I'm not the jealous type!


  1. We do see similarities and we see what is missing! Where are your pictures!

  2. Yes, I do see something very important missing.

  3. Oh Millie - I'm sure your Mom thinks of you often when she's at her day hunting gig. Have you considered the possibility that a gorgeous photo of you is her screen saver/wallpaper on her computer? Or that perhaps she logs on to your blog throughout the day just to catch a quick glimpse of you? Maybe she carries some of your furs in a locket about her neck? There's got to be a very reasonable explanation. I recommend that you sit her down and ask her for it.
    At home, she hardly needs a photo of you on the coldbox - she only has to turn around to see the real thing, silly!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. No pictures of you? Our mum bean gets told off by dad bean as she always has us cats as profile pictures on facebook and never the kid beans!

  5. How dare the momma not have pictures of you up anywhere!!!It's an outrage!!! You shoulg go on strike from the flashing beast if she isn't going to put up your pictures!


  6. Anonymous1:00 PM

    You may say you is not jealous but if you brought it up here in you's bloggy, we think you's momma better get her groove on and put up a picture of her PURRty kitty!

  7. Hmmm, yeah, no pictures of you.

    So we looked at our own fridge an theres no pictures of us there either. TBT laffed an said since he is home with us alla time he doesnt pictures.

  8. Yes, the similarities are that there are no pictures of you - you need to tell your mom to fix that!

  9. You have nothing at all to be jealous about, after all, you are you, and that means you are special.

  10. That must be the new baby bean?
    Millie, we agree, the kitty pics should be first & foremost!!

  11. Where is the picture of you Miss M? I think your mum needs a polaroid of her bestest girl at work.

  12. Millie - I've been giving this a lot of thought, and I think I might have worked it out. The pics on Mom's workstation and cold box are pics of people who are happy for her to cuddle them. Now, to be fair, you're not one of those. Perhaps this is something that you could work on and maybe some time soon you're pic will be up there too!

    Sydney, Australia

  13. Where is your picture? We're disgustabled that your pic isn't on that display! Wot could be more impawtant than yoo?

  14. Millie, you are so pretty. Are you sad that your pictures are not included? You are just too special to be worried. I am glad that your family fixed you up after your accident.

