Monday, June 30, 2008

Messy Monday

Boy, is the house a mess! Mom worked on the SSP all day yesterday instead of doing any cleaning. The sewing room is a disaster. Mom wouldn't let me post a picture. So I will describe it. She hasn't dragged the rug sucking monster in there for weeks. So there's all kinds of fabric scraps and thread bits all over the floor. There are piles of fabric on the chairs, and on the tables and bureau. There's junk on the floor.

In the kitchen, well, she finally did the dishes after like a squillion days, and she finally emptied the trash. She still hasn't folded last week's laundry.

Mom had to piece some gigantic pieces of fabric together to make the backing for the SSP. Once the backing was ready, she taped it to the floor in the dining room. Then she got the top ready, and placed it on the backing. Next she'll tie a squillion zillion knots to hold the two layers together. That's what she's been doing. She's about halfway done tying the knots.

I can show you some pictures... This one is the backing, with the "Made By"strip sewn in. This is the wrong side up, because Mom was getting ready to put the top on it. And here is a picture of the SSP...

I -hate- when she does that!

(I covered it up because I have to leave it on the floor until I can work on it later. This way it won't get dirty if I walk on top of it from one room to another.)

I wonder if I can play the slip sliding game with that top sheet....

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Super Sunday!

Hi Monty! I don't think you'll need your smelling salts today! There's no tummy shot here. Just some pictures of a little something Mom and I have been working on for an extra special ManCat.
Mom has a new "walking foot" for the sewing monster. I dunno how it walks with only one foot, but Mom says it makes quilting a lot easier.
Ta-da! Here it is! A very special Gizzy Quilt for a very special ManCat!
I used to think Jasmine used to have the very best Gizzy Quilt, but now I don't think so. I think the very best Gizzy Quilt is this one, and it's going to Monty Q when Mom and me (sorta) bring it in July.

Mom says she will be working on Violette's quilt today, and should be finishing it up soon. I would tell you that you will see pictures, but, well, you all know how secretive Mom can be.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Spiffy Saturday

Good morning, everybody.... Hello Monty!

Mom finished the top for the super special Gizzy Quilt we are making for Monty.

We have picked out a terrific fabric for the backing (lots of cats) and Mom has selected fabric for the binding. She'll probably finish the quilt later tonight after she gets through Processing the Month End.

Then tomorrow she will make reservations and buy our tickets to Mary-land. We will be taking the train. Mom and I are very excited.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Frantic Friday

Hi Monty!!!!!

I almost feel sorry for that poor guy. If this is how he reacts to a -picture- of my tummy, what is going to happen when he sees the real thing? I tell ya, I dunno if I'm interested in bein' a nurse! He's gonna have to buck up!

Anyway, Mom got home tonight and went straight into the sewing studio to work on this:
Of course, I think anybody who tries anything so weird creative should make sure they have enough fabric before they get started.

I'm just sayin'...

The letters in this are 3-1/2" tall, when all sewn up, they will be 3". The quilt will be the same size as a "Standard Gizzy" Quilt, 24" square. And yes, I will -barely- have enough of the fabric I am using in the background. Smart-aleck cat!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday... Three?

Hi Monty! Scroll down a bit... I have something for you...
Here it is... another tummy shot for you today!

And for the rest of you who are still conscious... Here's what Mom did last night:Mom also took the sewing monster apart and dribbled water oil all over it. She said it was running funny. Then she took the thing she calls a Presser Foot apart and tinkered with the insides of that too. Afterward she was much happier, because now the sewing monster doesn't make squeaky noises when she puts her foot down and the fabric doesn't go screaming through unevenly.

I don't know what any of that means. But I do know that she didn't get much sewing done because of it.

Later Mom will try to make a couple of cats, and lots of hearts for me.

The only other thing I know is that she is heartsick that Novak Djokovic got beat in the 2nd round at Wimbledon today.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What's Up Wednesday

I have to tell you, I'm getting pretty fed up with this SSP business. And now this other quilt for somebody Mom doesn't even know. It's enough to make me yowl!

Honestly! Mom's sewing this, and sewing that... All this preparation for the big trip to Mary-land to see Sprout, and nobody's even thinking about My Special Guy! So I have this plan...

Wait a minute... OH MONTY Q! LOOK WHAT I HAVE FOR YOU!!!


Has he passed out yet? Good, 'cause I kinda want this to be a surprise, so don't nobody tell him. (Yeah, I know this was probably a bit, well... sneaky, but how else am I gonna get him outta the room so I can surprise him?)

I told Mom, in fact, I made it QUITE CLEAR... that she has to put this sewing the letters bit to some better use than a dumb doll quilt. I told Mom she has to make a -very- special Gizzy Quilt for my dear darling Monty Q. Now she's a bit slow on the uptake, so this is as far as I managed to get her to do last night...
I bet you can all guess what's coming next... Millie [heart] Monty Q! And you'd be right! But frankly, I think Skeeter, LC & Ayla's idea of adding a cat (or two) would REALLY make this a spiffy Gizzy Quilt.

So now I gotta go investigate Mom's "stash" of fabrics. I know she's got a lot of black and white, but I dunno how she's gonna get brown tabby cat fabric. Still, though, she's pretty clever when she needs to be.

Now remember... keep it a secret from Monty!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tattle Tale Tuesday

I -told- you Mom has been lurking in the Quilt blogs! She even joined a Swap group. She joined a Doll Quilt Swap. There are 100 people (99 ladies and one gentleman). They will each make a small quilt between 12" x 12" up to 24" x 24". It must be quilted, and have a label on the back that has the maker's name and location. The quilts must be shipped by September 1. It is a secret swap. Mom knows the identity of her swap partner, and her color preferences, but Mom doesn't know who will be making a little quilt for her.

Mom was going to make the little Doll Swap quilt after the SSP was finished, but she is waiting for something so she can't work on the SSP for a couple of days, so she decided to have some fun and tackle this little quilt. She didn't expect to get so much done so quickly.

Anyway, I was happy to see that yesterday, everybody agreed with me. I liked the ABC's WITH the flowers.

Of course, Poppy Q was absolutely correct that the quilt needs a balance of colors. So Mom decided that one of the letters needed to be made in the same fabrics as the flowers. She picked the hot pink because it is one of the colors that appear in the letter "G," shown above, but she also tried this dark red-violet, but it doesn't photograph very well:

Here is the letter L made in the Hot Pink:
Here is the letter L made in the red-violet, the other color in the flowers:

Mom will replace the blue L with the pink one, and add the flowers somehow. She doesn't like the empty space above the flowers, so she'll play with it.

Don't worry, I'll tell you ALL about it!

Monday, June 23, 2008

With or Without?

Mom has reached another milestone on the SSP, so she gave herself a little break and did something fun. She really liked playing with the letters yesterday, so today she decided to try her hand at more of them. She made herself an Alphabet. And she needs your advice. Do you think this little piece needs the flowers? Please tell me if you prefer With or Without! You can click the pictures to biggify.



Mom says Thanks!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

SSP Sneak Peek Sunday

Mom's been busy sewing. What else is new?

She decided she wanted to make a label for the back of Sprout's quilt. But not just -any- label. She decided to go cuckoo. Way back in January, Mom played with making letters out of fabric. You can see the result here. Anyway, she decided it might be fun to do that to Sprout's quilt, especially since she has to join two pieces of fabric together for the backing. She says she will add this strip in between:

Yeah, it looks funny, and if you click it to biggify, it might not get much bigger, but it's worth a try. Oh yeah, about the "Auntie" part... Mom (and me, sorta) will be in Mary-land next month, and KidBean and SweetBean know her as "Auntie."

By the way, this strip is 3" tall, and about five feet long.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

Finally Friday

I'm always finding new places to nap.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

I don't know what it is about drawers that attracts me... Here are 13 pictures of my ongoing investigation into them.


9. What's in here...
10. or here...11. Mom could tell that I really really want to get back there, so she took one of the drawers out.
12. And naturally I jumped right in to investigate...
13. There's something about drawers, but I just don't know what it is...
I guess I'll just have to keep investigating.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

(s)Weet Seventeen Wednesday

The Boston Celtics won the NBA Championship for the 17th time! Wheee!

Mom has reached a major milestone on the SSP. She's pretty psyched about it.Yes, I am lying on the SSP. Nope, you ain't gettin' any more hints or clues.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Birthday MomBean!

my pimped pic!

I'm heading over to Monty's today. It's MomBean's birthday, and we're going to help her celebrate. As you can see, I got all dressed up for the occasion, and I've got flowers for her.

We're taking her out to lunch. (We can only go as far as the back porch.) We'll share a nice can of tuna and real live dead shrimp. (We're planning on giving KidBean and SweetBean ice cream and cake. And Sprout will just get her "usual.")

C'mon over and wish MomBean a Happy Birthday. Spend some time visiting us. Monty's got a big yard with lots of green grass, so we can all romp around and have fun.

See you there!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Uh Oh!

Yesterday Mom attended a recital in which Mr Karate & PlusOne played cello. You will find more about it on Roxy's blog, I am sure.

Anyway, Mom got home, put her key in the lock and turned. And turned. Imagine her surprise when, instead of unlocking the door, her key kept turning and then suddenly everything came loose, and the tumblers and pins came out of the lock and fell to the floor. The door was still locked, the key didn't work, and Mom was stuck outside in the hallway!So Mom called the landlord who explained how the lock worked and what she had to do to get into the house. Naturally she did not have a pair of large needle-nosed pliers or a big screwdriver in her purse.

So she went down the street to a friend's, and he helped her get in. Later, the landlord came over and fixed the lock.

What's weird about this is that Mom says it was a good thing. She has been stressing about the SSP. She says she has some terrific ideas, but there are TOO MANY of them, and that time is getting short. She said spending the afternoon NOT working on the SSP, and then getting home and NOT being able to get into the house changed everything.


She says because she COULDN'T do anything, she DIDN'T do anything, and when she finally DID get into the house, she finished up the laundry and made us both dinner and did the dishes, ignoring the SSP completely.

How NOT doing some thing HELPS the same thing is totally beyond me.

Once again I am -so- glad I'm a cat.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Today is Father's Day. The day we celebrate all the Dads in our lives.

In my fambly, there is Pip-pay, shown here with Missy the woofie. Mom says he is "the Bomb." Dunno why, but it must be a good thing to be "the Bomb."

This is Mr Big, PlusOne's Dad. He's pretty cool, too. He puts up with Roxy's devilish nature, so he must be awesome.
This is Mr Photographer, Mom & Auntie's brother. Mom loves him very much. He lives Way Far Away, so I don't get to see him much.

There are a lot of Dads in the blogosphere who are pretty wonderful, like Zippy, Speedy & Sadie's dad, who got a sick kitty some help. You gotta go read the story. Their Dad is definitely "the Bomb."

My absolutely favoritest picture of a Dad is the picture of Luxor and his dad. It's really sweet.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads in the Blogosphere. Now, go sit on your dad's lap and purr. Make sure you leave plenty of fur behind so he knows who he belongs to.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Wowie Kazowie Saturday

You know how Mom hates a messy sewing room. And it has been REALLY messy lately. Well, this morning she got up, and before she got dressed she cleaned the work table. She went theough that big pile of bits and pieces that was growing on one corner, and sorted it out into "keep", "Violette" and "Trash." Now the keep bins are on the worktable and Mom has room to work! I told you the other day that Mom has been using every color in the rainbow for Violette's quilt. As you know already, Mom has LOTS of fabric of every color in the rainbow, and until this morning, a lot of it was stacked all over her ironing table, making it hard for her to work.
Now Mom is really happy. She wants to finish the quilt, and having her workspace nice and clean will make that a lot easier. Her goal is to finish the quilt before the end of June.

She never expected it to take this long. There are a couple of kitties waiting (patiently) for Gizzy Quilts, and a little boy in a faraway place will be getting a kid-sized quilt too. And Mr Karate wants Mom to make him a picnic quilt for his car.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Remembering Storm

I know that Gizzy will be there to greet you at the Bridge. Give him a kiss for me, please.

Godspeed, Stormie.