Monday, June 30, 2008

Messy Monday

Boy, is the house a mess! Mom worked on the SSP all day yesterday instead of doing any cleaning. The sewing room is a disaster. Mom wouldn't let me post a picture. So I will describe it. She hasn't dragged the rug sucking monster in there for weeks. So there's all kinds of fabric scraps and thread bits all over the floor. There are piles of fabric on the chairs, and on the tables and bureau. There's junk on the floor.

In the kitchen, well, she finally did the dishes after like a squillion days, and she finally emptied the trash. She still hasn't folded last week's laundry.

Mom had to piece some gigantic pieces of fabric together to make the backing for the SSP. Once the backing was ready, she taped it to the floor in the dining room. Then she got the top ready, and placed it on the backing. Next she'll tie a squillion zillion knots to hold the two layers together. That's what she's been doing. She's about halfway done tying the knots.

I can show you some pictures... This one is the backing, with the "Made By"strip sewn in. This is the wrong side up, because Mom was getting ready to put the top on it. And here is a picture of the SSP...

I -hate- when she does that!

(I covered it up because I have to leave it on the floor until I can work on it later. This way it won't get dirty if I walk on top of it from one room to another.)

I wonder if I can play the slip sliding game with that top sheet....


  1. Millie - slip and slide, I think you can do it!!!

  2. I can, Parker, and I DID! But Mom saw, and taped the sheet down to the floor, too! Shucks!

  3. That looks really nice. It will be so pretty when it's done.

  4. Thanks for the clues, Millie! I think you could play a good game of slip an slide . . .

  5. Sometimes it's fun when mom get lazy and leaves her stuff's fun to play with.
