Friday, January 04, 2008

Update on Top Cat

Remember a week or so ago when I posted about Nin, who was retiring from being NH's Top Cat at the Mount Washington Observatory?

Well, everybody (except us cats, of course) was astonished at how much Nin's story traveled around the US, and got everybody interested.

The Conway Area Humane Society has selected three possible cats to take Nin's position as mascot.

The folks at MWO have decided to rely on "the voice of the people" to select the next Top Cat. You can visit this link to read all about it, and then, on Tuesday January 8, 2008, the same day as NH's presidential primary, you can vote for your own choice.

You can find out about the three candidates here.

Will it be Wilson?

Or Sarah?

Or Marty?

Naturally, as a girl tuxie, my vote will be for Sarah!

Don't forget! You can vote on Tuesday, January 8 2008, from 8AM to 7PM NH time!


  1. How about all three? They would all get good forever homes that way. :)

  2. Ooo, we gets to vote? Dat is furry kewl...

  3. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I say all three!! They should all have good furrever homes.

    Of course, two of them could be your roomates, Millie! You'd be the Top Cat.

  4. Yes! I agree! All three! Then they can take turns being top cat - like we three do.

  5. oh oh oh that IS the shelter where ramona and harper's mom volunteers. HOORAY!!!

  6. Anonymous9:17 PM

    They're all bee-yoo-tee-full felines, and they all deserve a great forever home. It's so hard to choose, I agree - take all three!!

  7. We agwee, its should be Sarah. :)

  8. We'll vote fer Sarah, cause we like Tuxie's. But Wilson sure has such a longing expression...
