Friday, January 04, 2008

How Cold Was It?

It was 2 degrees F (-17C) when we woke up yesterday morning, and Mom found this in the kitchen:

Our house has double paned, insulated windows. One of the panes in the kitchen window cracked and broke. You can click the pictures to biggify. If you click this second one, you can see a piece that broke off and fell in the space between the two panes.

Now that's what I call freaky. This morning it was supposed to be -3F (-19C), but the temperature is predicted to be about 53F (12C) on Tuesday. Go figure.

The landlord has been notified.


  1. -19(C), YOu has got to be joking?

    You girls better comes over to NZ - it is 24(C) here at the moment.

    I is glad no ones was hurt by the broken window. You be careful ladies.

  2. Brrrrr, that looks cold.
    Hope it is not letting cold air leak in.
    Our temps have been strange too, but on a slightly different scale. Our lows are around freezing, then up in the 70's and 80's (F).
    Stay warm, Millie, get your Gizzy Quilts to snuggle under.

  3. Oh how scary! Good thing that glass fell inside the window!

  4. Your broken window is really scary, not to mention it lets in that cold air. Glad to hear the temps are predicted to go UP. Try to keep warm.

    Mindy & MOe

  5. wow, dats scary, stay warm millie

  6. Wow - that is cold. How you going to get it repaired? Guess what we just got your Christmas card - thank you so much - we loved it. FAZ and Christine

  7. Oh wow, that is really cold! Its been cold here too (for Georgia that is). It was 16 when we woke up yesterday and did not get above freezing but its supposed to be in the 60s the first part of next week. Mommy says we are all going to be sick; maybe if she gets sick she can stay home from day hunting with us.

  8. Brrrr - yes - that is COLD!!!!
    But you should be out here - where it is REALLY cold!!!!
    Come and check out our first class cabin on our Antarctica Cruise ship!
    Karl and Ruis


    That is kind of scary. I hope things get better for you and your mom.

    It has been down in the teens and twenties here, but it is going back up to almost 60 by Friday.

    The weather IS freaky!

  10. Wowie weird! thats the good fing about havings a rental gets to call someone and they takes care of the problem!

  11. Now that's COLD!

  12. Hmmm, did a piece of ice fall offa da roof and maybe whap da glass? Glass usually doesn't just crack from da cold, tho it could happen but it hasta be reeeeeely cold. We are glad it's finally gonna warm up a little. It's been so cold here dat our outside door froze shut!

  13. My goodness, Millie. According to my mom, that kind of cracking is usually seen on car windshields, not house windows. I hope the landlord replaces it quickly, and that it doesn't let cold air in while your waiting. Brrrrr!

  14. Do you need a a TabbyMan to keep you warm? I provide excellent foot warming service for beans as well-ask MomBean!
