Wednesday, August 22, 2007

White-belly Wednesday

Monty Q sent me this in my comments on yesterday's blog:

"There was a problem with the contest site last night and your belly picture was'misplaced.'

The judge will have to have at least two new belly pictures now for snorgling...erm...viewing."

Well, who am I to say no to my sweetie-pie?

Here's one:

Here's two:

OK, Monty, snorgle away. But try to avoid leaving snorgle marks on Mombean's computer monitor. And don't drool on the keyboard.

Of course you can teleport over and share my hammock with me. There's room for you. I'll just freshen up a bit...


  1. Oh, MY!!
    Poor Monty will just die of heat stroke.

  2. I always like seeing you showing the belly~! You have a very nice spot to keep you comfy~!

  3. Anonymous11:57 AM

    What a lovely belly! If only one could rub it....

  4. Monty Q, I would offer to rub it for you, but I have never actually visited Millie. I don't think you want me to chase her for you. You have something a little more romantic in mind, don't you?

  5. Hmmmm, I think those pictures will be going into Monty's "personal" collection.

  6. MomBean here, Monty just popped. Poor lug couldn't make it to the icebox in time...

  7. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Wow Millie all the mancats will be in the icebox after those pictures. Even Bounce got a little hot under the fur and he's an old man!

  8. ahaha dirty old cat aha ahahaha that is too funny! lovely pic by the way, some of other cats can snorgle too x

  9. Anonymous4:35 PM

    great pictures - looks like they were just what Monty wanted. hehehe

  10. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Monty is a naughty boy! That's my kind of mancat!

  11. Ya know, fur a young kitty yoo are pretty, um, well, er, lets just say yoo know how to drive a man cat to the ice boks.

  12. Awww, we thinks its sweet you got a sweety to snorgle with. ;)


  13. You are a tease in black and white. Love the screwball comedy banter--well done, Millie.
    Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

  14. All of those pictures are very cute, Millie!

  15. Too.Much. Cute.
    I think Mommy's head just blew up!
