Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Choices on Tuxie Tuesday

Mom's working on some green quilts now. I'm helping her choose fabrics. That's easy.

I am also trying to decide who to vote for in Monty Q's Do the Q contest. I've selected my pick for the Monty Q, and I have narrowed it down to seven kitties for the Full Monty, and there are three pictures I am considering for "Variations on a Theme." I am totally undecided on the "Viewer's Choice." This is hard.

We're all sending our purr-ayers to Malcolm and Jillian, my rescuers, who now live in the Yucatan. They've boarded up their house and will be waiting out the hurricane someplace safer.


  1. ohhhh - I hope they have a catagory for most kissable tummy. I think I would win that one!!

    You are right Millie - it is super hard to choose.

  2. There was a problem with the contest site last night and your belly picture was accidentally...um..'misplaced.'

    (Yeah, yeah, that's it, misplaced!)

    The judge will have to have at least two new belly pictures now for snorgling...erm...viewing.


  3. It *is hard to decide who to vote for - there are LOTS of entries!

    I hope your rescuers' house comes through the hurricane AOK.

  4. Purrs to Malcolm & Jillian!!

    I know what you mean...I just can't decide who to vote for! Its so hard, there are so many great entries.


  5. I agree, deciding is hard!

    I hope all our friends are safe from the hurricane.

  6. We haf been diskussing da full monty pikshers here (mostly by playing tent wars) and we can't deside eether. We'z purring fur Malcolm and Jillian, we hope all da beans and aminals is safe in dis storm. It wood be a bonus if da howses was left standing...

  7. I have been purring for Malcolm and Jillian too.
    I think everykitty looks great in that contest!

  8. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Thanks everybody...we are alive and well. We will be posting an update soon, but thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers.

  9. Anonymous4:01 PM

    You do a very good job at picking out colors for the gizzies. Keep up the good work.

  10. It looks like you have some wonderful fabrics to choose from.

    I am still trying to decide on who to vote for too, it is furry hard!

    I hope Malcolm and Jillian stay safe, the weather has been crazy lately!

  11. HAve ya ever noticed that tuxies look great next to any color?!

  12. That hurricane is very scary looking!

  13. Yes, making the contest choices was very difficult. All the pictures were great!

  14. Anonymous4:30 PM

    we haven't voted yet either. thank goodness there are 3 of us, so we can each vote. there are so very many we wanna vote for.

    we're so glad Malcolm and Jillian are okay - how scary!
