Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday Babybean Update

Great news from Mombean:

Babybean looks amazing this morning-I wrapped up her arm in stretch-tite wrap to cover the remaining Aquacell and took her into the shower to try and loosen the crud on her scalp. They said once the Aquacell falls off she can get into the tub, but she was miserably itchy. It was incredible-it was able to soften up all of the crusties on her face, much better than just trying to soak it with a prefold diaper. (Never used..) So Dadbean towels her off and I unwrap the arm, noticing that there's a flap of Aquacell that's loosened up. Great! Dadbean trims it off, so she won't keep catching it on things when she sleeps. Then as I'm about to get her cream the rest of them damn stuff fell off. WOO HOO! So she's officially gauze/bandage/other free and much happier about it. I don't know if the plastic wrap caused a little steam to form and loosen it, but it's a great sign. (The skin underneath is delightfully pink.)


  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    That is wonderful news!!! Best wishes for a continued quick recovery for BabyBean. Please take care of yourselves in this stressful time.

    Ninja & Brenda

  2. That is really great news. I am so happy for Babybean. I am sure that she feels so much better without the crusties and bandages. Yay for healthy, pink skin!

  3. Yay, pink skin is grate and no more bandages and stuff fur her must be reely nice...

  4. Anonymous1:35 PM

    whoohoo! that's great news - thanks fur lettin' us know. we're so happy she's gettin' better so fast!

  5. What great news - I'm so happy for Babybean!

  6. WOO HOO! That's wunderful news!!! We'll keep thoze purrayers coming!

  7. That is such good news. Kids recover so fast it is amazing.

  8. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Yahoo BabyBean...GREAT NEWS! I'm sure everyone in the family is much happier too. "Specially Mom and DadBEAN!!

  9. Good thing, we like pink-even if we be boys!!

    ~Napoleon & Hunter~

  10. Oh that's just the best news ever. Thank you God, for listening to our purrrayers.

  11. Anonymous1:38 PM

    YAY for the baby beanyq!!!

  12. Anonymous1:39 PM

    oh, crud. that last half-done comment was us, the meowers!!

    oh, well; it gifs us another chance to say YAY, babygirl!!!
