Monday, August 13, 2007

The Squawk Box

Check this out: I call it the Squawk Box. Every morning it makes NOISE, Mom reaches over and hits it and it stops. But a little while later, it starts making noise again... So I thought I'd help Mom out, because it's obvious to me that she really hates this thing.

Under the bed, near where I nap when it is hot, I found the squawk box's lifeline, and I killed it.
Was Mom happy?

NO! She muttered and cursed, and crawled under the bed and plugged the lifeline back into the wall. The numbers on the squawk box lit up again, and Mom was happy.
It started squawking again this morning.

And she hit it.

I don't get it.

Once again, I am -so- glad I'm a cat.


  1. Good job Millie,
    those squak boxes sure are annoying. You should always try and keep your bean in the bed - it is your duty as a cat.

  2. ah, the beepy thing - yeah, I learned how to hit the button and turn it off when it beeps. - Sammy

  3. We doan no how ta stop da squawk box an we cant get to da lifeline. But we no da Momma uses it ta make her wake up on huntin days. We keep tryin ta tell her ta go sleepy erlier iffen she can't wakey on her own, but she doan speak Cat.

  4. I think our beans are addicted to those things. they hate them but they need them.
    How sad.

    happy Day Darling

    Purrrs, Prinnie

  5. Told yoo, beans is weerd. Mom don't get up to one of doze anymore, she lets us wake her up. It's much better.

  6. Beans...they just don't make any sense at all. Why would they keep something so annoying around?

  7. Unplugging that machine was a good thing you done!

  8. Millie, you tried to help the best way you could find. Some of us need those squawk boxes to wake us up on work days. I usually wake up before mine goes off now, but I still set it each night.

  9. I ate DKM's box cord and she was very grumpy with me. She uses her crackberry now so I can't eat the box any more.

  10. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Yeah, I am not partial to that thing either. My Lady has one and it goes off at least five days a week. She uses it to wake herself up to go hunting during the week.

  11. We've got one of those, too, and the noise is just horrendous!

  12. We kitties keep pretty good track of the time here, and if for some reason the alarm don't go off in the morning one of us will climb into the bed and wake up Bob. He calls us his alarm kitties.

  13. Anonymous1:45 PM

    we can't sleep wif our beans anyhoo 'cause mom has lergies. but we noticed that the darn squawkers don't squawk early enough to get dad up to feed us when we deserve it, so we rattles the door until he comes outta there. that way, he doesn't hafta hear his squawker. he should be grateful to us!!
