Saturday, July 21, 2007

Mr Karate brings Flowers

Mom says you can tell if you did a good job raising your child by the decisions he makes, and the friends he brings to meet you. I would add that if a son brings his Mom a beautiful bouquet of flowers like this on her birthday, it's another sign.

These are Stargazer Lilies, Mom's favorite. There are also some Pink roses and white Snapdragons. There are lots of buds on the lilies, so Mom will be able to enjoy them for a long time. She will bring them to her day hunting place on Monday, and all her bean friends will be jealous.

The guy in the bloo shorts still hasn't shown up with Mr Potter, but I'd say that Mr Karate has made Mom's day, big time.


  1. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Happy Birthday, Lynne! :-)

    The man in brown shorts hasn't brought my book yet either. Sigh. And I'm being very careful being on-line and trying not to stumble upon any spoilers!

  2. DKM says Mr Karate is a keeper! Plus, DKM got hers at midnight last night. She is VERY GRUMPY with JK this morning.

  3. Happy purthday to yer mom! Mr. Karate is a good grashopper!

  4. Those flowers are so beautiful. Lilies smell so pretty, and they are PINK! Mr. Karate is a good guy.

    Happy birthday to your mom!

  5. Hapy birthday to your human! I hope she enjoys her harry potter book! xx

  6. Happy Birfday! Stargazer Lillies are Mom's favrit fleur too. It's one of da best smells in da werld. Hope you get yur Potter book soon. Mom is on baycashun and is reading it now too.

  7. Happy Birthday to you. Happy reading also

  8. mommie loves those stargazer lilies, they smell so pretty

  9. Those are sooooo boo-ti-full!
    He may only have 2 legs, but Mr Karate is a grrreat mancat.

    Happy, happy birthday!! :)

    I hope you are enjoying the potter book.

    Hey, did they plan it so you'd get your special book on your special day?


  10. Beezer, Mom says that's serendipity.

    Seran huh?

    I think it was a coincidence.

  11. What beautiful flowers those are - very thoughtful of Mr. Karate!

  12. this mister karate guy is berry speshul mama says acause you can't eben make most guys bring flowers AT ALL let alone the absoloootly purrfect kind that you likes the mostest! Somebunny dun a really gudd job raising mister karate. I like the name stargazer lily, its a purrdy name. sounds like looking at stars on the balcony at the new condo partment were we libbs now.

    bye millie

    luv taz
