Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter Landing

At 5:19 PM today there was a soft knock on the door. The man in the bloo shorts (really) handed this package to Mom.

He said he'd been at it all day, that she wasn't the last person, and that he had many more boxes to deliver before he would be done.

I guess that means twelve million (or 12,000,000) is a big number.

Looks like a Big Book!


  1. Goodness, how many did she order?

  2. I think she got for her, one for Mr. Karate...and I forget who else.

  3. ps. happy belated birthday, Millie's mom :)

  4. Wow! That sure is a big book. I bet the mombean will be up all night.

  5. One for Mom, one for Mr Karate and one for Mim-may.

    Mom will NOT be up all night reading. She says her eyelids won't stay up.

    (Don't look at me; I dunno what she means by that.)

  6. See, the Woman didn't preorder it cause she knew she wouldn't get it until afternoon. So she went to Costco this morning and got it and spent ALL FREAKING DAY reading it. The Man is happy because that means he gets it tomorrow. When do I get it???

  7. Our teens will be ignoring us for a while... it is a big book. Happy Reading!

  8. I'm late to wish your mommy a Happy Birthday! It's mommy's fault because she didn't turn on the computer until late because she was off getting her copy of the book at the store today and other stuff. I hope your mommy had a fantastic birthday! She certainly got some very pretty flowers. Those are my mommy's favorite too.

  9. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Mrs. Mr Big here
    I sent my copy of the book to work, where it arrived at 12:45 pm. I picked it up at 1:00 and read all day and finished it last night after 2:00
    once you hit about page 650 you can't stop.
    I slept late this morning. Really late.

  10. Wow, it's heavy lookin'! And there's lots more, I feel sorry for all the people in blue shorts!

  11. oooooooooooo what a great thing to come right at her birthday! I can't wait to read it with mommy. That is the only time she stays still! Enjoy it.

  12. How much fun! A new big Harry Potter book! And we know how it ends: o.k. Harry will....
    Upps - maybe we shouldn't tell...
    Have fun reading!!!!

  13. The Female Lesser Species of the house got something that looks a bit like that - 'cept she puts these round things in a machine that is hooked up to her ears. She's had a headache all day and has been telling us that she can't listen to Harry because of the headache.
    I believe she needs to get rid of the Slobbery Hound Things - that will help her head!
    Does your mombean read these things to you?

  14. Mine had to work. Again. 7th day in a row. BUT. She came home early and she has the book! We are up to page 233.
